Chapter 23

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Raina's P.O.V

I walk into Kabir's cabin.

"Hey Come have a seat" he said

"Kabir... How is she?" I asked

"I'm sorry Sonu I should have informed you ... She regained her conscious around half an hour ago And then....." he paused

"And then what?" I asked

"UC was there and he kind of stormed out at her " he said

UC gets drunk every alternate day... I swear I'm gonna break his bones for breaking my sister's heart

"Stormed out? He scolded her?" I asked worried

"Kind of.... He said All this was just a drama he played to satisfy his family and that he loves....."

"Don't even explain it to me further" I said getting angry

"And what were you doing there?" I asked

" I could have but.... Chand's eyes were so full of happiness when Pihu woke up that I couldn't....." he said

Is Chand being forced into something?

 "I am going to meet her " I say walking out of his cabin and entered the room where my sister was there.

She was looking at her phone and was sobbing silently

"Hi" I said sitting down beside her

"Sonu bhai woh just....." she tried to explain wiping off her tears.

"Vee wants to talk to you " I said knowing that only he could convince her to become normal

"Hmm fine" she said nodding.

I informed Vee about everything who gave me an assuring look

I know I could trust him with my life. 

He is perfect for Pihu 

If and only If Pihu didn't love Chand I would have got both of them married to each other

But Pihu loved Chand and Vee loved Anushka

So I silently stood as Virat tried to comfort her.

He first sat down beside her and took her into his arms.

" I am not good at these things but He is an arrogant,ignorant Idiot who doesn't even deserve to stay in the team. He doesn't know what he's lost Pihu....He lost something really amazing and rare that he is going to regret it later...." He said

"But Vee"

"I hate to say it Pihu but he made you really really happy" Virat said with a tone of jealousy in his voice.

He immediately put his head down as if he regretted saying them

" It aches all of us to watch you  like this" Mahi said and all I could do was nod.

"This is not you Pihu... You were never this weak" Hardik said

Wow Someone finally got serious and said something sensible

Go Kung Fu Pandya!

"We I mean Me,Sonu,Mahi bhai,Harry, Ro,Shikhar ... We are all on your side" Virat said

She kept quiet as she kept her head down tears slowly streaming down her face as she wanted to hear more.

Cheeku was quiet for two minutes after which he went banging the door in anger with me and Harry following him.

I turned back and looked at Mahi who assured to take care of Pihu.

Virat went and caught Unmukt by his collar

"What's wrong with you? Are you drunk?" He asked

"Nothing I am fine" Chand said in a careless attitude

"Why are you doing all this?" Virat asked

"Wow Virat bhai... Aapki ex aapke saath do teen ache baatein kya karne lagi... You think you can save the world now Right?" He said

Ex? What the hell is this guy talking about?

"Shut up UC!" Virat said

"You look as if you're hurt too" Harry said

No... Harry's gotta be kidding!

"I am not hurt" He said confidently

See!! Told You!

"Stop lying to yourself UC" Virat said

" I am not lying to anyone and especially not to myself I told you all already that I was pretending Ok?" he said

" I left her the same way you left her Virat bhai" he said

Virat? Leaving Pihu?

Vee let go of his collar

Now.... What is this supposed to mean?

" I....I.... had a reason" Virat said

"You had a reason for what?" I asked

"For leaving your sister after loving her for 5 months" UC spat out.

"Vee!" I asked surprised.

"Right! Ask him! " UC said.

"Is it true Vee?" I asked 

"Answer me God damn it" I said.

"I loved her!" he said

I slapped him right away.

"Sonu I can explain" he said.

"Shut up" I said as I punched him again.

Blood oozed out through his mouth

The next minute he fell unconscious to the ground.

Yaadaan Teriyaan ✔️Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora