Bad Memories

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*sooooooo how are you guys liking the story so far? I know it's not the best (far from it) also Who want's Akina to be paired with someone other than gaara? We can have like a vote or something (if anyone even reads my fic) 'cries on the inside' if not it's either gaara or Kakashi because they're my fav lol.*

Kakashi gently laid the young girl onto the spare room bed of Tazuna's house. He made sure to use extra precaution not to disturb her before leaving for Tazuna's daughter, Tsunami who kindly introduced herself only moments ago. Going down the stairs he briskly waved her over. "Tsunami-san please come with me." Kakashi left no room, turning to go back to Akina. The sweet woman followed rather concerned. Her worried expression grew seeing the young pale girl laying lifeless in the bed.  "Tsunami-san please could you remove her clothing and check for wounds while I go look for a spare change of clothes for her." She quickly understood why he asked her, after all he's a man. Hearing the door close behind her, she proceeded to take of Akina's combat boots followed by her white cotton shirt and slick pants. She froze seeing the pale blue beautiful tribal like markings marring the girl's skin. She saw that it wrapped around her right arm going up her neck. She assumed it also went across her back since she saw more markings snaking around her side going down her left leg stopping at her foot. Same markings also circled around the girl's left hand disconnecting at her wrist, same thing with her right foot stoping at her ankle. Tsunami noticed what seemed to be new markings going from Akina's right hip down the side of her thigh since it was the only mark that looked sore. Growing curious she gently lifted the girl to look at her back. "Oh my kami..." Tsunami whispered to herself seeing the brilliant new design on the girl's back. She innocuously thought the tattoo going up her right arm also looped around her back but she was wrong it actually stopped at the girl's neck and the tattoo going across her abdomen started just above her left hip. Her back though had the markings trace her spine like a snake surrounded by some ancient laungage slightly twisting around the spine tattoo. Her back was very red so was her right thigh making Tsunami think she just had them done. (Isn't she too young for tattoos?) Sighing she put the girl back down covering her slightly so Kakashi wouldn't come back and see her black bra and underwear. Hearing a knock she waited no time letting him in. Kakashi came back with a spare shirt of his, knowing it would fit his student like a dress. He quietly passed it to Tsunami, turning around so she could put it on the unconscious girl. Tsunami smiled at his gentleman ways before putting the black shirt with the leaf symbol on the chest in orange over the girl's body. She frowned at how large the shirt was for the girl, not liking how small she was. *aww* (I'm gonna have to fatten this girl up before they leave." Came into her mind as she slightly grabbed Kakashi to leave the room.
"Hatake-san why does she have so many tattoos?" Tsunami asked not missing a beat, closing the door behind her. Kakashi hesitated for a second thinking how he could explain it to her easily. "She was born different than others... she's had those marks since she was a baby." Said the leaf nin smoothly. "Then why does she have two that look brand-new?" She asked confused. He was taken back by that though. " I have no idea.." Kakashi told her truthfully. Tsunami's concern increased at his words, her mother instincts taking over. "Well I'll go start dinner let me know if anything changes." She made sure to let her words hang before leaving Kakashi to his student. Letting go a breath he didn't realize he had and walked through the door, leading to Akina. He stared at her sleeping form for a second before hesitantly touching her cheek. He traced her jaw then he traced the tattoo down her neck. (What do these mean?) Swam in Kakashi's head. He froze when Akina took a deep breath, he relaxed when she went back to the calm pace. He delicately moved her bangs out of her eyes, he wasn't too surprised to see the diamond like mark there. Humming in thought he was taken to his mind. He began to relive the night he saved her from the villagers but his mind went to a time he was not proud of....

/FLASHBACK 10 years ago/

After the Hokage put Akina in the Village Kakashi blindly took on deadly missions. He put his grief and anger out on any A rank or any suicide missions. He simply couldn't feel anymore. He lost all his precious people... his sensei, best friend obito, teammate Rin, and Father.... He painlessly avoided the dark hole growing in him with every life he took. Hiding behind from the truth, blood as his shield. He didn't even ask about Akina.... remembering her would make him feel the horrible pain he tried so hard not to feel.

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