New Hokage

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*hey guys I really appreciate your comments it really helps me keep going and I'm not gonna rush I promise lol I wanna come up with a name for you guys hmmm what should it be idk comment a name if u got one lol also check out my new fanfic Kakashi's Heart. Alright let's gooooooo!*

Sarutobi watched the pale face gently breathe as she lay motionless in her hospital bed. He felt a hurricane of emotions but mostly self pity.
(I should've protected you from the start oh dear Akina please come back to the living.) sadly thought the old man. He looked across the room next to Akina at the Boy named Gaara, from what he could understand he's his granddaughter's boyfriend but what he saw the boy do when Akina almost died showed they're much more. Gaara had tried to beat down the barrier with his sand screaming for Akina to get up and he didn't stop until she got back up and until the barrier fell. He was a force no one wanted to mess with that day.
Sarutobi looked at the red head as pure worry was etched over his features, the poor boy hasn't slept since she's been here which has been a three whole days now. Sarutobi looked to his right to see Kakashi.
He feared Kakashi would forever resent him for his choices with Akina and he had every right to.
Kakashi has his one eye close and leaned against the wall with his arms crossed but Sarutobi could tell he was deeply worried and scared they'll lose her. Akina is in the clear and is to wake up soon but they were told that three days ago and Kakashi is always afraid to lose his loved ones. Sarutobi remembered the one eyed nin's rage when he saw Akina unconscious, his eyes burned anger at him and he understood he let her fight and he shouldn't have.
Sarutobi sighed causing both the other occupants of the room to look at him.
"I don't know about you but Akina would want us to at least eat to stay alive when she wakes." He was only met with a couple of hns.
(Che tough crowd.) sore fully thought Sarutobi.
"I'm serious there's a cafeteria here we'll grab food and come right back." Reasoned the old man.
Kakashi reluctantly nodded but Gaara just ignored there existence not moving.
"We'll bring something back for you Gaara-San." Said Kakashi as they left.
Gaara just squeezed Akina's hand praying she'll wake up. He rested his head on her thigh and slowly his eyes closed falling into a restless sleep.

Akina slowly blinked open, she covered her eyes with her free hand from the bright lights. She could hear everything again as if a switch in her has been turned on again. (Welcome back to the living kit) greeted her kyuu. (W-what happened?) weakly Asked Akina. (You killed the Snake Orochimaru and well it took everything you had since you died kit....) explained the fox.
(What! I...died?) Asked Akina in shock.
(Yes kit I've been working very hard fixing your wounds but I had great help with your reaper powers they seemed to immediately fix your mental state and chakra.) sighed Kyuu.
She only nodded but she finally realized something was on her leg and she looked down to see a sleeping Gaara holding her hand. She smiled at the sleeping teen, she ran her fingers through his hair slowly waking him up.
Gaara smiled feeling his Akina's fingers through his hair....wait Akina?!?! Gaara's eyes shot opened to see the blue eyes he horribly missed.
"Akina!" Shouted Gaara as He leaped up pulling her into a tight hug. Akina held him tightly as she felt his sobs. "I thought I lost you...." tearfully whispered Gaara. "I thought we agreed to never leave each other?" Smiled Akina making Gaara lighten up.

"Oi! Gaara I hope you like stew...." Kakashi stopped his sentence seeing a very awake Akina.
Kakashi stared at the smiling girl and in an instant he was hugging her.
"About time you two showed up!" Laughed Akina as Sarutobi took his turn to hug her.
"How are you feeling?" Asked a worried jiji.
"I'm okay just worn out." Sighed Akina as they all nodded.
"How's the village?" Asked Akina worried.
"Fine, there's some damage but only a few casualties." Akina nodded at that, glad to hear such little damage and deaths.
Akina looked around looking for her team catching Kakashi's eye.
"They were here waiting but they had to go help with the village to clean up." Kakashi said giving an eye smile.
Just as the wonderful moment was going so smooth a long white haired old man came in,"so is the Gaki ready for our mission?" Asked a quite bold man.
"Jiraiya!" Scolded Sarutobi.
"Mission?" Asked a rather dangerous sounding Kakashi.
"Ah yes well I'm resigning as Hokage and I've asked Jiraiya here to find Tsunade for she'll be the next Hokage but he won't do it unless Akina goes with him." Awkwardly explained Sarutobi.
Kakashi gained a shadow across his face as the room felt heavy. "You mean to tell me shes gone through hell and you're just gonna throw her back out there...." Jirayai and Sarutobi began sweating bullets.
"No the mission isn't until she is well recovered." Informed Sarutobi as he glared at Jiraiya.
"Well I think we should let her rest then." Gaara smoothly shot at Sarutobi wanting them all to leave.
The three men stared at him as if he grew a second head. "He is right, it was very good to see you awake Akina." Said Sarutobi as he and the two other men left leaving her be.
Akina sighed finally relaxing.
"I'll go get you something to eat." Said Gaara kissing her as her eyes closed exhausted.

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