Chuunin Exams: Part One

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*hey so I'm like sick but I'm still writing a few chapters like I did almost two weeks ago but anyways let move on!*

Akina saw various genin and genin that shouldn't be genin. She saw Haku and offered the brunette a small smile. Her eyes landed on a familiar pair of teal eyes. She felt the pulse through her heart again and she can tell he did too by his slight jolt. She couldn't keep this guy out her head and little did she know neither could he.

Gaara just wanted to approach the white haired girl so desperately. He felt like his place was right next to her and that if he doesn't get there soon he was gonna murder everything to get there. He felt all kinds of strange feelings for the girl, he couldn't understand them but he knew one thing he'd kill anyone who harmed her in anyway and that frightens him. He's never wanted to protect someone before... but she's different somehow.
(Kill her!) he heard his mother hiss.
He flinched. (W-what?)
(KILL HER!) screamed an insane voice. Gaara felt the pulse again and he felt anger. (No. I will kill for you no longer! I've found my purpose and she'll prove my existence.) gaara mentally slammed his mind closed blocking the demonic voice from his thoughts.

Akina saw a flash of blonde and saw ino on top of Sasuke.
"Get off of Sasuke-kun ino-pig!" Demanded Sakura.
"Why don't you make me?" Taunted ino. Shikamaru just pulled ino off of the Uchiha earning him a glare from the blond. "Hey all the rookie nine are here!" Shouted kiba as his team joined the group. "You guys might want to keep quiet, you're attracting a lot of unwanted attention." Came a white haired guy with glasses and a ponytail.
"And you are?" Grunted kiba as his puppy Akamaru barked.
"Name is kabuto and I've been here before so take my advice." Kiba raised his scruffy brows. "How many times?" Asked the dog nin. "Seven..." Kiba roared in laughter.
"Wow you must suck!" Sakura and ino joined in the laughter.
"Or the chuunin exams are just that hard." Blandly retorted Akina not liking the mockery. All the rookies shut up real quick. "Well since this is your first time I'll give you information on anyone here you'd like to know about." Kabuto slyly smirked.
"How exactly can you do that?" Asked shikamaru. "With these." He said showing a strange deck of cards.
"Give me a description or name and the card will pull up their information." Informed kabuto. "Gaara subaku , Rock Lee and Akina Uzumaki." Sasuke said rushing forward. "Aw you already know the names, that's no fun." Mocked kabuto. "Lets see Gaara Subaku, he has been on various C, B and A rank missions and comes back without a...scratch. His teammates are his two siblings kankuro amd temari with his sensei Baki. He and his siblings are the only children of the current kazekage." Kabuto seemed surprised at his own words. Sasuke glared towards the redhead and the rest except Akina stared at him in fear, Akina felt pride for some reason.
"Now Rock Lee, he graduated as the deadlast of his year and he absolutely has no chakra at all but his taijutsu is above chuunin level and he's been in several D and C rank missions. His teammates are Neji Hyuuga and Tenten with Might Guy as their sensei." Kabuto looked over at Lee in curiosity.
"Actually he does have chakra but due to a childhood injury he's unable to access it." Corrected Akina. Kabuto flushed at her from his incorrect information. "Akina Uzumaki...what?" All the rookies stared at him in confusion by his paling face.
"There's hardly anything except... her name in the bingo book is Angel of Death... and that she's teammates to Sasuke Uchiha and Sakura Haruno with Kakashi Hatake as their sensei. But there's something else... she's Uzumaki Royalty." Akina glared full force at Kabuto, she knows this information is all from spies.
"No way is she royalty!" Huffed ino.
"She very much is, her mother was Kushina the daughter of the Uzukage of ushigakure also known as the red hot death." All of Akina's fellow leaf rookies stared at her shocked.
"Who's her father?" Shikamaru voiced himself, he already had a suspicion.
"Doesn't say other than that it is a SSS class secret." Shikamaru glanced at Akina, his suspicions are seemingly getting closer and closer to being correct. "Now that we're done trying to figure out my secrets can we move on." Akina's sarcasm was practically oozing.
She decided to ignore Kabuto as he went on his information on the other hidden villages. She already knew about them from traveling around for years. She felt a pull towards her right and when she turned gaara was right next to her. She gained a blush from his intense stare. "Gaara-san?" Akina's blush grew as his features softened towards her. "Akina-San..." they were interrupted by a sound nin speeding towards Kabuto. The sound nin threw kunai at Kabuto making him jump back but he cornered himself and the sound nin swung a punch for his face. Kabuto dodge the attack but his glasses shattered. "So it was that kind of attack aye?" He smirked but his eyes widened, he fell to his knees and threw up. "Kabuto-San are you ok?" Asked Sakura in concern. "Hai..." she was going to ask something else but a large cloud of smoke interrupted the whole group of people. "Shut it maggots or fail!" A scarred man looked around the room daring another word to fly across the room. "The written section of the chuunin exams shall begin as me as your proctor, Morino Ibiki. Take a seat and don't sit next to your teammates." Ibiki looked them all over but only stopped at one, Akina. He was pleasantly surprised to see her all grown up but he was very excited to see her skills. All the genin scrambled for seats before Ibiki could say something else. Gaara had made sure to sit next to Akina making her blush reappear.
"Now you will answer every question on this test! There will be no cheating, there are several chuunin here to watch you and if they see you cheat three times you fail! After you finish the question in an hour their will be a tenth question, now begin!" Ordered Ibiki as he passed out tests.

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