Chapter 2 (Marriage How Could You!)

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Walking through the elegant halls I easily spot Miss Ursula. I drop my suitcases and ran into her arms sobbing my eyes out. "I-I missed you" I sobbed. "Hush dear your making me look bad for making you leave." She pouted. For a woman in her 50's Miss Ursula is really beautiful. Her black hair was in an elegant bun and her blue eyes held joy in them. She brushed my wavy hair out of the way calming me down. I always loved when she did that motherly act.

Just when I thought things were getting good I heard my mother's really high pitched voice. "Your finally here, took you long enough." I rolled my eyes for her to see it. "We'll I'm here mother, you had me fly from Italy three days early because you wanted to tell me something really important. "Yes I did but first rest and meet in the living room at 6 pm. I nodded and then turned back to Miss Ursula.

"Well I'll talk to you later before she screams at me."I said smiling.
"Okay dear." She said turning to go to her room. Miss Ursula lives with us because I insisted. I need her at my side all for the rest of my life. She's my mother figure.

I went up to my room to find my luggage already started out.
I stripped from my clothes and headed to the bathroom.
It took a good twenty minutes before I came out of the shower.
I jumped into my cupcake pyjamas and fell to the bed. Hey don't judge me because I love cupcakes. I'm not one of those models who starves themselves just to be skinny. I drift off to sleep but made sure to set my alarm for 5:25 so that I would have time to get ready to meet my so called mother.

~alarm goes off~

I get out of my comfy bed and began to get ready to meet mother.
I took out a purple high low dress with butterflies on it.
I put on a white flower crown, my gold earrings and left my hair the same since it's naturally curly, so no need to curl it.
No makeup. They almost drowned me in it when I'm doing runways. I was not entering the circus.

I head down the spiral stairs and into the living room. I sit down with five minutes to spare before mom entered the room. She had on one of those million dollar smiles. Oh my god, who died?

"Verisa, I have some exciting news." She said smiling like a complete idiot. I nod my head signaling for her to continue.

"So I met this guy and I think he's the one so I married him." She said breathing out. My mouth formed an O. Not believing what I just heard I told her to come again. "I'm married Verisa." She said showing me her left hand with a ring on her finger. That took sometime to sink in. She's at least 46 years old. The guy must be really old I thought. Little did I know.

"Marriage How Could You!"

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