Shadow's thanks, and adventure incoming

570 19 10

1694 words! *minus all the A/Ns' words. but this is Shadow's version of us thanking you for all the reads!!!! Right now sits 9.7K OMG!!! thank you!*

You and Shadow were just chilling on a hill. School/work had been eating at the both of you. Shadow with his part time job at the cafe and G.U.N missions, and you with your school/work. It was all becoming very stressful...


Looking to your left, you see Shadow looking towards the sky. He growled slightly under his breath before grumbling out a 'Thank you'. You felt yourself smile with his tsundere-ness. It was hard some days, when he didn't show much of his emotion and/or appreciation to you. Yet whenever you started to have doubt he would spend the entire day with you. He would call off work, cancel any plans with G.U.N, and spend the entire day with you; you were important to him.

The mere thought made you smile more and lay on your back with him following your movements.

"You're welcome, love."

You heard a slight gasp come from Shadow, looking at him from the corner of your eyes, you notice his were widen slightly. You closed your eyes in delight, so happy you can still make him flustered like that.

You let out a sigh in relaxation before letting sleep take over, but before you fell asleep you heard a slight whimper before feeling someone kiss your forehead.

"I love you... (Y/n)."





Waking up on something soft, it felt like... A cushion? You opened your eyes to be met with the ceiling of your living room. Wait... Is this your room? It seems slightly... Higher than usual...

Sitting up, you looked around and noticed some pictures of humans on the wall. One resembled you in a way, it had (h/c) *hair color*, (e/c) *eye color*, And even it's skin tone resembled yours... Looking down to compare yourself with the human you stared down at a different body...


"What the hell?!?!"

You stood up from your place on the couch, frantically looking around. There were other pictures, they looked familiar in a way, but also complete strangers...

'What's going on...?' You sped walked to the bathing looking at everything while walking. Everything looked the same, but bigger? No, the size was "normal" compared to your new-found height. It felt different, but looked normal... If that made sense...

Making it into the bathroom you looked at the mirror seeing the same human in the pictures. (H/c), (e/c), (s/t) *skin tone*...

You were human.

You were the human in the pictures.

This is your house.

Weren't you on a hill though? With...

Where's Shadow???

Quickly splashing some water onto your face you turn to use the towel that was placed to the right of you, but before you could grab it you hear the sound of the shower turn off... The curtain was closed... How did you not notice the shower was o-!?



Turning to your left, you see a figure behind the curtain, it resembled a human male, Possibly 6-7 inches taller than you too...

"Your awake, we should talk about how we have changed specie-"

He went to pull the curtain open, but before he pulled it open you covered your face with the towel.

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