Chapter 27: The old... And the new?!

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A/N: Not dead... Ha... Ha... Ehhh.... Anyways we are sorry, but we also have no excuse. Life's life and we have things to do outside of writing, but we should still TRY to make a chapter once a week... Highschool sucks ;^; 

Anyways the other special chapters like Shadow's that was recently-last thing we updated... Anyways we will be making Silver's, Sonic's, and Mephiles's version eventually. In the mean time we are going to try and make things like the older chapters! Random and fun!

Enjoy this chapter that was inspired by the newest Sonic game that I just forgot the name of... Sonic X? Sonic Forces? I forgot, shit! 

Hope everyone had a happy Holiday and a great New Years! (I got sick for Christmas, whoopdedoo) 

Author for today: Coyote

-(Y/n) has created a Chatroom

-Silver has joined

-Sonic has joined

-Shadow has joined

-Mephiles has joined

-New_User has joined


Shadow: What is it now?

Sonic: It's nice chatting right after the world was almost taken over by Egghead.

Silver: Yeah...

Mephiles: Your world almost got taken over again...?

Silver: Well, destroyed, taken over, that again.

Mephiles: It's not even that useful in material.

(Y/n): Wow, thanks Mephy.

Shadow: I don't even understand why he is allowed on here...

Mephiles: Was I the current threat?

Sonic: No, but-

Mephiles: Then shut it.

Sonic: You did try to get Silver to kill me. And then you killed me.

Shadow: And a human brought you back...


(Y/n): Yes, please ignore my texts existence.

Silver: My apologizes.

Shadow: Hmph.

Sonic: Oh, haha sorry (Y/n.

(Y/n): Mephiles will you apologize?

Mephiles: No.

(Y/n): Well fu-

Silver: Language

(Y/n): -dge you then.

Sonic: Nice save.

(Y/n): Shut up you two (<_<)

Shadow: I don't believe Faker could.

Sonic: Oh look at that, you know me so well Shadz.

Shadow: Grrr

Mephiles: Most people would claim sexual tension is what annoys the two of you.

Silver: Hahaha!

(Y/n): Haha, Sonadow joke, :3

Shadow: Never!

Sonic: Ehhhhhh, no thanks I'm good.

Silver: While that's funny and I am an optimist, I'm also a realist. I don't think Shadow and Sonic would start dating.

Sonic crew X reader chat room (+ some oneshots/scenarios)Where stories live. Discover now