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Hi there! 

I was thinking about writing more fanfictions and I have some really good ideas but then I thought that I haven't even completed 'Breaking Away' ff nor 'Adorable Chainsaws' ff yet. 

To be fair, 'Breaking away' takes time to make because all the pieces have to be in the right places and I do a lot of research for it and 'Adorable Chainsaws'... I am unbearably stuck on it and have no idea how to end it. (Any suggestions would be very much appreciated.)

Despite that, I noticed that quite a few people liked the idea of a 'Taegi' ff but I don't know how to do it. Should I write it as a book or in an Instagram style? (Which ever gets the most votes, I will do.)

If you chose instagram, please offer up any usernames that I could use.

I am writing an Chanbaek ff at the moment but I'm not sure when to publish that yet. Do you want me to publish it before or after either 'Breaking Away' or 'Adorable Chainsaws' or 'Instagram Train' or the Taegi ff (name - to be decided)?

Please tell me what you think because I am clueless. 

Thank you, 

Squishington. <3

//Reminder - Information// runs everyday so don't feel scared to join me - please be aware that I live in Britain and I go on every night between 7pm to midnight. On weekends and Monday, I generally am on it all day.  

You can also donate to me as support. On the website, it also states of all my plans for the future if you are interested. 

My pinterest is always being updated so you can access my boards if it interests you. 

Kpop youtube playlist is also available - all the songs are in released order. If you have any recommendations, please let me know! 

- All the links are in my bio/About me section - 

See you in the next chapter! 

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