Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

"Hmm okay we will have to see what she decides then." Nixie said as they entered the city and looking around to locate the gym. Topaz said "Lets see it's not far from here."

"Well then guide Topaz lead way." Nixie said playfully while indicating for him to lead

Blake just silently followed behind. Topaz leads the way into the city until he found it. "Here it is,"

Nixie looks at the gym while thinking 'simple looking lets try the inside.' as she opens the door to see a hole in the middle with a pole going down through it. "pole dancing?" Nixie said

"Well I'll join you guys a bit later, I'm stopping by the store to get food and supplies" Blake said.

"I'll fill you in on the battle later." Topaz slid down the pole.

Nixie nods and says, "Okay we will slide the pole."

Nixie grabs the pole and slides down landing on a spider web.

"Hope you're ready. " Topaz said

"I'll try my best. Now where is gym leader." Nixie said as she looks around spotting the gym leader on a platform doing something with her camera.

V : Ahh hello young trainers.

Nixie arrive where the gym leader "Hi gym leader can I ask for a battle?" Nixie said

V: of course (takes out a pokeball)

Nixie steps up to the battle field.

V: (throws her pokeball and out pops a Surskit)

'Hmm a surskit bug/water type. So fire would not do much.' she thought as she used her speed and got behind surskit and used flamethrower at it.

V: Surskit use water sport! (Its spun spraying water)

Nixie jumps back with a playful smirk as she says, "this will be fun." while evading some of the water spots and forming an small shadow ball which hit the surskit.

V: Use Water Gun!

Nixie dodges the water gun that got to close for her liking.

V : Agility

Nixie huffs as she moves out of the way from the agility and does a close range flamethrower to its face before jumping backward to see if it will attack once more or just faint.

The pokemon stood up weakly before fainting)Nixie smiles inwardly as she looks at the gym leader to see if there will be other one.

V : (returns the pokemon to its ball) my turn'Oh great for once i wish i had wings.' Nixie thought as she nodded

V : (used gust)

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