Chapter two: good bye...

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I was listening to this as I wrote this

Your POV

I went to masters office and knocked not he doors "come in" he said. I walked in "Oh, what do you need child?" He asks me. "I would like to quit the guild" he looks at me with shock and sadness "fine child......" he removes the guild mark. I walk out of the guild and to the door. "Bye fairy tail......" I murmured as I walked away with sky by my side.

Natsu POV

I saw (y/n) walking out the guild halls. I watch her leave with the saddest smile I have ever seen. Due to my dragon hearing sense I heard her whisper "Bye fairy tail......"  I wanted to get up, run to her I  and tell her not to go, but my butt was like it was stuck to the seat.

     Master walked out of his office and to the railing of the second floor. "Children!" Everyone got quiet and looked up at him. "Do you all know that (y/n) left because of you people not treating her like family!" At this point he almost was crying his heart out, and every one looked down, guilty. Well all except Lucy. Guildarts comes in through the door and asks "Um.... why is (y/n) walking away obviously sad?" Cana walked up to him and said "she left.... she left the guild." Silence filled the room with now the sorrow that they lost a very precious fairy.

Your POV

      I was packing all my stuff up in the bag my mother gave to me before she had to go. "Mom you said you would never lie. You said Fairy Tail was a wonderful place. Well it's not. I thought they treated each other like family. Well that's what you said....." you murmured looking at a picture of your mom.


        I stood there in terror as I saw my village being burned down. "Mommy! Mommy!" I yelled trying to find my mom through the flames and ashes of our cottage. I heard coughing coming from the kitchen. I run over there avoiding any of the flames or fallen matter. I slid into the ground right in front of my mum. I tried to lift the lumber of her body but it was way to heavy.

       "Go my precious darling... find *cough* m-magnolia and *cough* find f-fairy tail. They will *cough* treat you l-like family... I *cough* will a-always love yo-you. Take this and go..." she handed me a locket with her and me. I was able to see the fairy tail mark on her collar bone too. "RUN!" She pushed me out of the way as a support beem covered in fire fell on her and engulfed her in flames.

  I ran out of the cottage and straight to the woods and to magnolia.


And with that you left with your most prized possession: violin, flute, food, cloths, and your piano which is able to go into the box that shrinks everything big and goes in their. And your most prized of them all.... your locket (about to say food again.)

     You left your house, then your street, then magnolia. "Bye life....."

Welp ok then... I made this one a tiny bit sad. Not much. I am mostly writing this to vent out frustration. Sorry if it's bad. Ok bye. (Sorry for shortness)

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