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Lmao, so I dont know how to continue this story, and I dont really want to, but if ya'll want me to I guess I will. Just depends on if you guys want me to continue the story or not lol

do it lol😳

nah bro😔👋

idk up to you man🤪

choose one if u want ^^

     So, if you want me to continue, can you give me ideas? Like idk, I havent watched fairy tail in years. I will give you credit for your ideas, so like no ideas=no updates. I dont mean to sound rude, but this is what I got for you guys.
    Also, this goes for me and many other creators on this app, if they havent updated in a long time, they probably either have stuff going on, or they just dont like/want to do the story anymore (keep in mind this isnt everyone). So when you guys are in the comments asking us to update, comment after comment, it can get frustrating. I know you guys mean well, but after hundreds of comments telling me to update, I just start to hate the story more and more. Now this doesnt go for all creators on here, but definitely a lot of us. Now I definitely used to be guilty of this, but after I realized the effects it had on some authors, I stopped. So please, if you see this, can you stop commenting for me to update? Thank you.

Also if you have any story ideas, this goes for my other story as well, were I will post this same thing, you can comment them or dm me via Wattpad

Well goodbye for now, maybe, lol 🤪✌️

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 05 ⏰

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