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(April 22, 2014)

"Today is my birthday!", I tell everyone. Today is my 14th birthday and I'm expecting a pennyboard in May.

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY!" Everyone tells me. I thank everyone and go into the basketball court. It's morning recess and the temperature is around 55° and it feels great.

"Hey Noel!" I call. That's one of my bros.

He's awesome like me. "Hey man, where's Mauricio?"

I respond, "I dunno."

20 minutes later, we are all in class.

I walked over to Noel, "Hey again, Noel!"

Noel looks back at me, " Hey buddy!" I walk over to my seat and wait for Mr. Hall, our music teacher, to come get us. He eventually comes and we walk downstairs. Music starts and ends at 9:10. We walk back upstairs and get our stuff for writing. I gather my things and walk out with Noel to Ms. Flannigan's class. I see Vivian again and I smile at her and she smiles back polietly. My class laughs and we get back to work. Dummies, I think. I'm just about ready to go home.

 I'm walking home and I spot Vivian as I board the train. I don't wave at her because she's with her sister. I sit alone on the train and get off at Chicago. She also gets up too. I walk down the street as she departs from her sister.

I head home and I feel great. I actually got to kiss Vivian for my birthday. It was the best present I got.

I walk through the door and my mother greets me, "Hey hun. How was school?"

I replied, "Eh. It's was alright." My usual reply.

"Do you wanna do anything for your birthday?" she asks.

I shake my head, "I've done enough. She frowns, suprised, and turns slightly. Ah she gets me, I thought. Knowing me, I'm going straight to the fridge after school. After getting a donut and some soda, I walk to my room thinking only of Vivian. I fall asleep. I've been doing that ever since I get home after school.

                                                             [Tyler END]

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