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Hey, y'all! I'm sorry for interupting the story, but I have a VERY important announcement to make!  If you have read Baloxalon's Crown, the prequel to this novel, you must read the following statement:

Baloxalon's Crown is no longer available!

Baloxalon's Crown has been removed from Wattpad, Amazon, and Lulu.com as well as the other stores which were selling it.  Now, there may be several copies floating around, and that's OKAY.  They are rare, very rare books you now posess that the rest of the population will not have access to until the complete publication of Guardians of the Lore.  The first book of Guardians of the Lore is The Lore's Illusion which you are currently reading.  It's undergoing editing by myself, several online editors, and one other IRL person who is helping me polish up this novel.  

Why have I done this, you may ask?  The answer is simple: confusion.  I've had several readers give me feedback on Baloxalon's Crown, which is a series I wrote at AGE 12.  I love feedback of all kinds, but I don't appreciate being told a novel is childish when I clearly stated in the description that it was WRITTEN BY A CHILD.  Now, a few comments reguarding something I've already discussed are fine, but I've recieved DOZENS.  To ease the confusion of whether Baloxalon's Crown is a series written for children, I've decided to take it down and write a more mature series first--that being Guardians of the Lore.

Now, Baloxalon's Crown is still a series I am passionate about, and it is written very well for a 12 year old.  It will be released given time.  The ONLY reason I've taken it down is to ease the confusion among my adult readers.

Also, please don't automatically assume that the first female character to step into a scene in my novel is going to have a romance.  This is the case in most novels, but it isn't necessarily true for mine.  This is another topic of confusion.  I've recieved several letters saying the reader was uncomfortable reading about a child's romance.  What they don't realize, however, is that IT ISN'T ROMANCE BETWEEN SAID CHILD AND THE MAIN MALE CHARACTER.  Just because a novel is written in one percpective does not mean the character narrating is going to have a romance.  Please keep this in mind as you read my novels.


Baloxalon's Crown will be posted as soon as Guardians of the Lore is completely written and edited.  This will ensure that readers are now familiar with my writing style and, hopefully, will not be so confused when reading Baloxalon's Crown.  I accept that some of the confusion is my fault, but I want to encourage everyone to keep an open mind when reading a book. Things aren't always how they seem.

Thank you!

Love, Sydney xxx

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