Chapter 6.2

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We ended up not doing any actual work at the studio; I left during Calum’s stupid chant about me liking Luke again. When I got back to my dorm I got a video message from Calum of him chanting “Taylor likes Luke again” for like 5 minutes and texts from Michael and Ashton telling me to tell Luke about my split with Sean. I was hoping one of them would tell him for me, but I know that’s not going to happen. It’s my place to tell him because he’s my friend and he should know about these things.

To: Luke


Hey, wanna come to my dorm for a bit?


I tried to make the text as casual as possible. I initially put “I need to talk to you” in the message, but it seemed too serious and creepy. I sit staring at my phone waiting for Luke to reply. I see the read receipt go on, and then the speech bubble pop up and disappear several times before I get a reply

From: Luke


Yeah, sure I’ll be there in half an hour :-)


I text him my dorm hall and room number then lay back on my bed, feeling strangely nauseous and light headed. I know it’s because I’m nervous, though I don’t know why I’m so nervous. It’s just Luke, nothing special is even happening. I’m just telling my friend who happens to be my ex-boyfriend that tried to get with me while I had a boyfriend that I may like again that I broke up with my boyfriend. Damn, that makes it sound so complicated. I feel conflicted, I just ended things with Sean and the thought of another guy has already been planted into my head. Stupid Calum, Ashton and Michael.

I can’t possibly like Luke again, it’s not possible. We had a thing two summers ago that sort of rekindled a few months ago but that’s it. I need to go through mourning or whatever over my breakup with Sean. A breakup that I’m surprisingly not so upset about. I guess I never truly loved Sean but I just talked myself into loving him because he loved me. I’m such a terrible person, Jesus Christ.

A knock on my door snaps me out of my self-loathing thoughts. I hesitantly walk to the door, my heartbeat picking up pace as I get closer to the door. I open it up, revealing Luke rocking back and forth on his heels fixing his hair furiously.

“Oh, hey, Tay” Luke half-smiles at me, dropping his hands from his hair but continuing to rock back and forth

“Hey, Luke” I reply. We stand there silently staring at each other, both feeling awkward about being alone together. I realize he’s waiting for me to invite him in, “Sorry, come in”

Luke chuckles quietly and enters my dorm room. I follow him to my bed and we sit on the edge, letting our feet dangle off the side. Luke’s feet touched the floor, despite the how high off the ground my bed was.

“You’re so tall” I giggle

“What?” Luke asks, a smile on his lips

“My feet are feet above the floor and yours touch it” I explain, blush tinting my cheeks as I realize how dumb I sound

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