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"'Poor Grendel's had an accident,' I whisper. 'So may you all.'"

---John Gardner (Grendel)


"Alright then little miss Whatsername..."

He stood in front of me. "Ask your questions, and I will give you my answers."

I bit my lip. "Why now? You say you know a way out, but why leave now? Why tell me?"

"Because...." he stopped for a moment, "I didn't  want to walk the long, lonely road out of this place alone. Leaving here isn't going to be easy, and I never found someone to take with me until the moment I saw your eyes, and I just knew."

Again, an answer I wasn't prepared for. "You-you just knew?" I repeated idiotically.

"You looked back. No one ever looks back in this city, they're all too distracted. None of them care. But you, you looked back. You're the first I've met who has life in their eyes."

I was caught on every word he spoke. "I-I don't understand..." I whispered as my only response.

"I want you to come with me. We can get out together, I know we can. Whatever lies ahead of us in this damned city, let's just say fuck it and go!" He sounded so earnest, so determined. I was mesmerized as the vision slowly formed itself in my conscious as well.


Could we really leave?

"How do you know? How do you know there's really a way out? How do you know at all?" I wrung my hands together just thinking about it now. What if what if what if.

"Well that's the thing, I don't." He spread his arms out. "I don't know, but you and I are gonna fucking find out now aren't we?"


"So where do we start?" I finally let go of it all. There were no definite share. None. I didn't know Jimmy, and there was no way of knowing if he was telling the truth, but I was sold. Anything for a little adventure right? Anything to atleast try and get out of this damn city. I'd finally found someone else, so it seems, so let's go. This might be my chance. This might actually be my chance.

Jimmy smiled. "Smart girl." He walked over and put both of his hands on my shoulders. "I really do like you Whatsername, so I hope this doesn't put a dent in our newfound friendship."

I was immediately confused. "What are-" but I didn't have the chance to finish my sentence because suddenly I was being carried by Jimmy to the far edge of the building. The black lights blurred around me as I screamed.


And then we were falling.

Jimmy clung to me as we fell through the black ink of night. Lights flashed around me, and I could still hear the music. It was all in slow motion though, and I reached up for the stars. All I could were his eyes though. I wanted to scream, but my screams stifled in my throat as I looked into his eyes.

Saint JimmyМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя