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"You will always be fond of me. I represent to you all the sins you have never had the courage to commit."

--- Oscar Wilde (The Picture of Dorian Gray)

•H E R  POV•

"I just had to know if you were real..."


This man was just full of responses that always took me completely by surprise. "Why wouldn't I be real?" I retorted.

"Look around you pretty girl. Why would you be real?"

"So your solution was to send both of us over a building? Why'd you jump? Why didn't you just throw me off then?" I began shooting off questions. "Why did you look so...so calm?"

That one caught his attention. "What do you mean?" He raised his eyebrows.

"You jumped off a building and didn't even break eye contact with me. You didn't scream."

He pressed his lips together for a moment.
"I just wasn't scared. Falling always felt like flying to me."

I shook my head. "You're fucking crazy. I wanted to trust you, but now I don't even think you actually know a way out of here. Who the fuck are you?"

He nodded slowly. "I'm Saint Jimmy pretty girl; there's just not much else to say."

I scoffed. "Well then Saint Jimmy, I guess we're done talking!" I glared at him before turning around and beginning to walk/crawl up the bank to the golden bridge. I was cold, wet, confused, and angry.

If Jimmy said anything else, I didn't hear it. I managed to make my way up the bank, finally making it back into paved ground. With the golden bridge behind me, I marched bitterly back towards the middle of the city.

I was sopping wet, but I walked into the first bar I saw.

A glowing red neon sign labeled 'Inferno' greeted me.

Immediately I was thrown off. There wasn't a single person in the room, except for the bartender that is. I walked in, and room seemed to only consist of the color black and neon red. The room was painted black while neon light strips snaked their way around the ceiling, giving the room a glow.

The bartender looked up from arranging the liquor on the shelves.

"I'm sorry..." I started awkwardly, realizing how insane I must look. "Are you closed?..." I looked around the empty room also realizing that I really had no idea what time it was.

The bar tender smiled. "No, we're not. We just usually attract the late late crowd. You're early."

"I just need a drink." I sighed in frustration.

"Then sit down darling, and I'll get ya one." He looked me up and down. "The early ones always have some damn good stories."

I raised my eyebrows but decided to sit down anyway. The bar gave me an eerie feel. The red glow felt ominous against all that black. Shapes seemed to warp.

Saint JimmyWhere stories live. Discover now