part 17

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Harry standing while watching the horizon thought about earlier.


It was night time when harry decides to take a walk. He had a dream about uma leaving him forever. He denied that idea, " uma and I are one soul. I won't let her leave, or let anyone harm her."

He walk down the alley , pass the fish an dip, but stop hearing a voice. It was coming from the bridge. He revers his footsteps and walk back. The voice was getting warmer.

" How dare you do this" harry wonder what the person was talking about.

" I know your up to something brother. you never care about uma before., that is why if anything happen to my child"

" a child you threw away" triton says swaying

Ursula smacks him with her tenticles. " it was for her own good. "

Trition roll his eyes " anyway, I give you my word, uma is in good hands, I only want the best for her."

Ursula cross her arm while thinking. Something fishy is going on, his hiding something from me. She turn and swam away.

Harry listening wanted to know more. he heard trition speaking to Zeus. " is this our only way father?"

" yes, his growing stronger each day, it won't be long before magic is wiped away from the face of the earth."

Harry gasp... what? Why? He thought

Trition looks beyond thee ocean. " why can't we just bring uma up their, she'll be better of protected their"

" no.... he can easily spot her their and come for her. Its better she stays where she is" " and whatever you do do not mention anything to Ursula. If she finds out, she might try to take her away which will lead to him finding her."

Harry wonder who exactly this person was that wants uma. " a place where she is safe, does he mean auradon. If so that would mean Ben has her" he whispers

(end of flashback)

The crew park the ship near their hangout. Harry says " tomorrow we will enter auradon and retrieve uma"

The group cheered.

( real world)

Uma was annoyed why you ask. Well she been standing in that one spot for a long time watching Thomas practicing a scene which he keeps getting wrong. She scuff seeing him fail the moves again.

Walt says " Thomas let's take a short break"

" no...I can do it. give me another chance"

Walt sigh, he gave the camera crew the signal and the video start rolling. The man charge towards thomas and he ducks. The next attack Thomas trip on his foot falling on his butt. " cut"

Thomas disappointed ask to another chance. Walt says " we will just use a stunt double, to do the moves"

" no, I want my fans to see how committed I am to make this a great movie"

" sorry Thomas, but you not getting this routine is delaying the film. we have to do what's best for the movie"

Sad he gets up " I understand"

he turn and head to his dressing room. Uma was laughing the whole time. She tease him a little, which upsets him. " you know you can be a little considerate here"

Uma raise one brow " why should I"

Thomas glares at her before closing the door in her face. " what's his problem" she says

" this is his dream, working with Walt. He doesn't want to disappoint him. "

Uma turns to see dove. She glares at her " what are you doing here?"

" you didn't know, I'm also recruited to play the lead in Walt's movie"

" well I guess acting suits you well"

" what's that suppose to mean?"

Uma turn to leave " you should know mal"

" mal?" Dove says confused before going in Thomas dressing room

Uma taking a walk saw Walt and the co director. They were re watching the videos. " our stunt double is sick. What do we do?"

" we will just have to give Thomas a week to learn the moves, if he can't we will have no choice but to replace him" Walt says

uma turn away. She recall Thomas saying Walt is his role model. She wonder if she should help him. She   shook the idea. " I...uma...daughter of Ursula helps no one unless their a part of my crew" she says disgust by the idea. " I won't do it"

She walk back to Thomas dressing room ignoring her conscious telling her to help him.

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