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Ok I'm sorry BUT PLEASE READ THIS! Everyone knows that the paladins of Voltron wear the exact same thing every fucking time. But I was just sitting in class earlier today and thinking. wait they went out of the Garrison in one pair of clothes. found the blue lion in those clothes and took off into Space in those damn clothes. Trained and fought in those DANM clothes. NO wonder they wear the exact same thing when they aren't in their armor! THEY ONLY HAVE ONE PAIR OF SPARE CLOTHES AND HOW THE FUCK DO GET AROUND WHEN THEY WASH THOSE CLOTHES?! WITH OUT SEEING EACH OTHER NAKED!? well Lane would put on his Pajamas. WHAT ABOUT THE OTHERS! Do they even wash their clothes!?

I'm sorry but this is killing me right now.............I just can't do this. HOW THE HELL DID THEY GET SWIMSUITS!




I felt arms wrap around me. I was pulled into a warm chest. My arms crossed my chest. I hear growling. I look up to see Shiro. His ears are pointed. He bared fangs at everyone that was around. I felt a tail wrap around my leg. It wasn't mine. Everyone started to back away. Even the other Paladins. The queen stood up.

"Fine. I don't want it. Just take the supplies and get out."

Shiro stops growling.
"Lets get going."

They all look to me. I shrug. We go outside. The ride back was silent. Lance and hunk directed the alien horses pulling the carts. I rode on Van, Shiro had his head on my shoulder the entire time, nuzzling me. When we got back we load everything on. We gave Ila a crate for survival. We get in our lions and head back to the castle.

"WHAT TOOK YOU SO LONG?!" Princess screamed. I throw my helmet off. She starts ranting and I try to make the pain go away.

"Shiro care to explain?"
She asked no answer.

"I'm a galra like Keith. I got protective of him and the baby and I guess it triggered."

Silent. It was silent for a few minutes.
"Just get back to the ship."

Everything was silent. Once we got back we unload and meet the princess in the control room.
She looks pissed off.
"Princess. I-"

"Shut it I don't want to hear any of it!"
She cut Shiro off.
My ears lower.
"Everyone leave. Except Shiro."

They leave I hesitate.
"Go I'll be fine."

"Come back in One piece."

I leave them alone. As I walk down the hall I meet up with everyone. I hear Shiro grunting and Allura yelling at him. My ears flatten more.
Lance pulls me into a hug. A few tears escape. Everyone joins in. The grunting stops. I hear the door open. I break away. Shiro limps over and opens his arms. I speed walk over and wrap my arms around him.
Why us?

What did we do? We fought for the Universe. So why?

Time skip

Nine months. Now I'm just waiting. The alarms blared.

I get dressed since I'm already in my lion. I felt a really strong kick. I grunt and hold my stomach.
"Keith? You ok?"
Hunk asked.
"Yea just a strong kick. Let's get going."

We fly out and form Voltron and attack. The baby kicked me again. I breathe and keep going.
"Keith form sword."
I put in my bayard and the sword formed. We continue to fight. The Blades show up and start helping.
A sharp pain goes through my back. I grunt grabbing my seat. The pain eventually dies down but starts again.
"Ow ow! Not good. Why now?"

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 24, 2017 ⏰

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