Chapter 6

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Scott weaved through the narrow maze of streets in District 4. The conjoined buildings cast dark shadows over him as he threw a single glance behind him to make sure Grosvenor wasn't following. The streets were nearly empty aside from the occasional residents, and Scott kept his eyes focused on the cobblestone path he followed. Even in the warm breeze he remained bundled in his coat and scarf. The material was breathable but tightened around him as his pace warmed him, but he couldn't remove his jacket in public. No, that would be indecent, and officers that patrolled the area would have to fine him.

Scott stole through the door of a shop at the end of the street that overlooked the seashore, but he was confronted by the after-work rush of customers waiting to speak with the shopkeeper about the dinner rolls they wished to purchase or the natural remedy he would recommend for their pains. The shopkeeper was a man of Lunseran descent who had immigrated to southeastern Binneste nearly twenty-five years earlier. He had been a healer in his local community but could only apply his knowledge from behind the counter of his shop, as medical certification in Lunsera was different than in Binneste, and natural medicine was never a large part of the Specialization curriculum outside of Lunsera. He grew his own herbs and knew what worked, and his regular customers trusted his advice.

His shop was one of the last of its kind since the government banned the trade of traditionally Lunseran products several years earlier, and although he had a fine reputation across the district, it was only a matter of time before his shop was closed down, too. People feared affiliating with it, and no one dared apply for a job there for fear of direct association with Lunseran superstitions, but Scott held a part-time position in the shop when he was sixteen, and he had developed a close relation to the shopkeeper that extended beyond professionalism. He paid his Lunseran friend a visit from time to time, but today was pure business, and his patience was wearing thin.

He sighed and glanced up at the lights that swung from the ceiling, using their motion as a distraction, but he couldn't muster the patience and slipped out of line, taking the long route through the aisles of products and grabbing a small bag of chocolate-covered crackers and an iridescent, rainbow-colored ribbon to tie to his birthday gift for Keona. He then approached the counter where the shopkeeper was assisting the customers on his own and jumped over the side where workers would have entered and exited. The shopkeeper cast him a casual glance as Scott greeted him.

"Hello, Mihai, you know what I'm here for—although I've grabbed a couple extra items on my way up here," Scott said, flashing the two items he grabbed and handing the shopkeeper a bill that more than covered the items he would be picking up.

"Dhani, it's always a pleasure seeing you, but you know, you don't work here anymore, and there were other customers waiting patiently in line before you."

"I'm not disrupting anything. I know where the basket and cake are. I'll help myself, and you can keep the change."

Mihai looked at the bill. "That's... Are you sure you don't want any change?"

"Positive. It's for all the troubles I cause you." Scott patted Mihai's shoulder as he passed toward the refrigerator. A basket on the back counter was laid out with a card labeled Keona and a bouquet of pink carnations inside it. Scott fastened the shimmering rainbow ribbon to the basket and stuffed the crackers in his pocket, wincing at the realization that they had crumbled with the force of his thrust. Securing the boxed cake into the basket, he took everything into his arms.

"Are you fine handling that basket?" Mihai asked. "Your arms are more than full with it. How will you—"

Scott smirked and baited a finger at him. "It's much easier than the eye will allow you to see."

Mihai shook his head disapprovingly as Scott walked toward the back room.

"Remember—all the trouble I cause you. I have to get going, Mihai. I've lost too much time dealing with the boss today, and I'm tight on time. I'll be visiting again soon, though. We have some catching up to do."

Mihai bit his lip. "Sure. My door's always open. And wish the girl a happy birthday for me. I've slipped in a few packs of herbal tea she may enjoy."

"I'll let her know they're from you." He smiled and waved. "Good day, Mihai!"

And he disappeared behind the door. Mihai tapped his fingers anxiously on the counter that separated him from his customers and pondered how to handle the fact that Scott would never emerge from that room that had no back door. He scratched his nose briefly, staring down at the items he had bagged for the customer at his register, and then he locked eyes with him. "Is this all I can get for you today?"

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