Chapter 13

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Of all the reasons Scott could disappear...

introduction between them, he knew whose face he was staring at.

And so it begins... he thought, becoming aware of the tension shooting up through his clenched fists.

Scott had taken the few steps leading into the pavilion and turned back to glance at Chris and Malick, who lingered behind. "It seems we have an unexpected guest joining us today, and since it's Chris's friend from the Academy, I think perhaps he should be the one to introduce him to all of us."

He took a seat at the opposite end of the bench Acton sat on, Keona filling the space between them, and folded his hands, watching Chris with a cruel smile that tickled Malick's expression.

I didn't think that they'd send someone after me the day I left home.

The pallor in Chris's cheeks was blotched with red as he struggled through his words and irritation. "This is Malick."

"Grosvenor's son," Acton responded, unashamed of the acridity in his tone. Chris's eyes met briefly with Acton's, just as Acton shifted his focus to Malick. Of course this is Grosvenor's son. He's just the right age to innocently blend into our group. They would send him to spy on me.

"I'm humbled to be so well-known by my association with my father," Malick replied, watching Acton steadily.

Acton's mouth twitched. As you should be.

"And Malick," Chris continued, "I guess I should introduce you to Amy, Acton, and Keona."

Keona rose from her seat while Acton caught himself in the act of reaching for her, but she was swift to escape his proximity, and he was forced to watch her approach the threat that stood transparently before them with his polite smile. Acton could feel the pulse through his tightly entwined fingers, and his sigh quivered with his nerves as he watched the smile tighten around Malick's eyes when they met Keona's. Acton turned toward Scott, watching Malick and Keona with his hands clasped in front of his mouth, and hoped that he would understand the danger this boy's presence posed to their privacy; but all he saw was that Scott was still as easygoing and trusting as he had always been—perfectly oblivious to the KUS's agenda despite all the things that had happened to his family.

"You must be Keona," Malick said, taking Keona's hand in his. "I heard from Chris that it's your birthday today, and since I was in the district and had to visit Chris for some important business, I figured I'd pay a quick visit here before I leave. And here—I've brought you a little something to make up for my sudden appearance." He presented the bag in his other hand, opening it for her as she pulled out a bouquet of red roses.

"This is very kind of you, but... I feel a bit ungrateful. They're absolutely beautiful, and I love them, but I have nothing to give you in return... When people get me things, I find a way to return the favor to them. I get them something I think they'll enjoy. I set aside gifts for everyone else here to show how grateful I am for their thoughtfulness, and I feel bad. I don't have anything to give you."

"It's no big deal. I mean, I showed up unannounced, and I never would've expected anything from you in return." He dug into the pocket on his coat and pulled out a small jewelry box. "I have something else for you, too, if you'll accept it."

"Of course," she replied as he opened the box for her.

Acton leaned into the table impatiently. Keona, don't get too friendly with him, please.

Draped over Malick's hand was a cloth necklace with a flower in the middle. He smiled. "Your hands are full already. Let me fasten it around your neck."

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