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My canine baying alarm Richiardi woke me up when he heard someone pull up in the driveway, and I sat up in the bed and looked at the clock and remembered I had to take Jc to the doctors for his checkup, and for the paternity test. I jumped out of the bed and quickly got into some nicer clothes, then I ran into Jc's room and playfully hopped in bed with him because he was awake just laying there and asked him if he was ready to go bye bye with me for a while. He giggled with his binky still in his mouth and shook his head yeah. 

I went to his dresser and picked out some nice clothes for him and helped him get dressed, then I gave him a piggyback ride down the stairs then I leaned over and asked him to grab the keys that were on the counter. Stoney was on the porch getting ready to knock on the door as I opened it and ran right into him. Jc was instantly giggling at us both for playing a human form of chicken without either of us having the time to move out of the way. Stoney caught his sunglasses and asked me where I was heading in such a fired out hurry. I kept walking toward the car and reached up for Jc to hand me the keys, as I told him that I needed to get that test done and give Jc a checkup while I was out.

Stoney gave me a grin and said he would tag along, so I wouldn't be lonely. I gave him a slight smile and told him to get his silly ass in the car while I was hooking Jc into his safety seat. During the ride over there all three of us were all smiles and giggles, but that all changed as soon as Jc saw the doctors office, he knew exactly what it was, and he began crying and screaming saying no no over and over again. I tried to grab him, but he slipped out of my arms and ran out the other door, but his Uncle Stoney grabbed him before he ran out into the road. Then as Stoney made it around to me he was calming him down. I held out my arms to see if he'd come to me, but he hid his face in Stoney's neck, I knew I was officially the bad guy for bringing him here, I tried to tell him it wasn't going to be a bad visit.

Stoney rubbed his back and told him he wouldn't let them hurt him, that if they did, he'd ram their stethoscopes up their tight asses, then pull the other end very tightly and quickly let it go. Jc didn't understand what his uncle Stoney was talking about, but the way he said it got him giggling. He did, however, get me laughing at it because I knew exactly what he was saying. We both headed in, and as Stoney kept Jc occupied, I told the nurse that I was there for the paternity test, to ease my family's wandering minds about my son.

The nurse took me to the back room and I held out my arm for them to draw blood, then she took it down to the lab to get analyzed, then she said I was all done, now she needed the tiny tot. I looked over at Stoney and beckoned him to bring him to the room. Jc began to whimper when he saw the needle, but I got him to keep his mind on me and put him in a little trance, as the lady drew his blood, the next thing Jc heard was the lady telling him that he was such a good boy and that she was all done. Then before she left she handed him an apple lollipop. When she came back in the second time, the doctor followed her in and asked if this was the little guy he was supposed to do the complete checkup on.

I gave the Dr a slight smile and said yes it was, Jc gave an insecure look at him and moved in closer to me and tried to hide his head in my shirt. I gave him some securing rubs on his back and assured him that he was a good Dr and wouldn't hurt him. Jc let the Dr give him his checkup, but after he was done the Dr had a puzzled look on his face and said his vitals were good, but he wouldn't know any more until all the bloodwork came back. Stoney was putting Jc's shirt back on for him as I told him he could take Jc out now because he was all done and I wanted to get him out of the stressful environment.

I stayed in the room and asked the Dr if he knew why Jc would get sick to his tummy all the time without being sick, and then he would get fevers every now and then for no reason without any other symptoms of sickness. The Dr looked at me and said he could probably answer that as soon as his bloodwork came back. I shook my head in agreement, then asked him when the paternity test would be ready. He looked up from his clipboard and told me in a couple hours. I shook his hand as I thanked him then I told him I would be back, that I needed to get my little man something for lunch. The Dr stopped me and said that I didn't have to come back for the results, that he could call me and tell them to me.

I told him that was better for me, then I asked when Jc's bloodwork would be ready, he looked right at me and said that wouldn't be in until probably tomorrow sometime, and if anything bad came back that his nurse would call me, and tell me to come in for a consultation. I thanked him again then gave the nurse my phone number and ran out to the car and asked them where they would like to go for lunch...and like the kid Stoney was, he jumped in and said pizza very quickly. I turned to Jc and asked him if he wanted pizza, he handed me his binky and said yeah very garbled but loudly. I chuckled as I said ok pizza here we come!

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