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When I made it home with Karalea walking right behind me she was completely astounded by my home, and almost fell over backward, trying to look all the way up the house to the roof...then she looked at me and asked me if Klayton lived here! I snickered at her and told her it was my home, but he lived here more than he did at his own home. I showed her in as Jc heard me come into the house, and came running to me screeching wildly with the dogs chasing after his heels wanting to play. I quickly lifted him up into my arms and hung him upside down and tickled him with my free hand, then gave him a toss up so he would be up in my arms sprawled out looking down at my feet, as I blew raspberries on his tummy and asked him how his day was.

After his giggling session was over with he said it was good, but the bad doctor gave him a bad needle, and he didn't like that. But Uncle Klayton made it all better when he took him to Mac's and got him an ice cream cone. I sat him down, then gave the furbabies some loving as I told Karalea their names, then asked Jc where his mommy was, but by the lovely aroma coming from the kitchen, I didn't really need to ask. I did a silly prance with Jc in my arms as we made it into the kitchen, where I saw Kc just finishing up dinner then as she reached up toward the cabinets above her head, I sat Jc on the counter and told him to stay there with my hand. Then I snuck up behind her and reached over her, and grabbed the plates out for her, she jumped a little bit but giggled at me as she leaned up against me and welcomed me home. I sat the plates down on the counter, then I wrapped my arms around her and kissed her neck and told her how much I missed her, and then added playfully how good she smelled.

Kc moved around me and grabbed the plates and quickly sat the table, then she stopped what she was doing and introduced herself to Karalea that was standing in the doorway admiring the house. I asked her where ole bad to the bone Stone was hiding out at...because I had someone I needed him to meet. Kc gave me a tender kiss on the cheek and said that he had to go to his house right after he brought us back from the doctor's office, saying he needed to finish something, but she added very humorously that he promised he wouldn't miss dinner.

So Kc and I got Jc set at the table, then I helped her bring in the food and sat it down. I told Kc to go ahead and sit down, and I would bring out the beverages this time, I put Jc's sippy cup of grape juice by his plate, then I filled all the other glasses with some very delicious wine. Just as I sat down, I heard the door open, and the dogs went flying thru the house barking knowing it was Stoney that came in, as soon as Stoney gave them a few pats each, they settled down, and laid back down underneath the table. When Klayton didn't come into the dining room I hollered at him and told him to get in here because I had someone that really wanted to meet him, and added very playfully that she was very pretty, and single.

Stoney flew off the couch and in just a flash he was in the dining room sitting at the table beside Jc where he always sat and staring right at the new guest like she was a piece of his favorite candy. I told him with a slight chuckle that this was Karalea, Stoney slid his chair around to her and began his crazy ass chatting with her. Kc noticed how they were connecting and told me to leave them alone. So after we got finished eating, and I helped my baby girl clean the kitchen up, we both grabbed Jc and went outside to the backyard to do some major playing so when bedtime came around Jc would be tired enough to go right to sleep.

Klayton and Karalea spent the rest of the evening together, even after it got dark, and I was carrying Jc back into the house to carry him up to his room, they were still sitting at the dining table talking away like neither of them had any sense. Kc and I just laughed together and took our lil man upstairs to get him to bed...then Kc and I spent some alone time in the bathtub soaking up some bubbles together before we went to bed. After we dried off and Kc was in bed relaxed and ready for bed, I ran down the stairs and turned off all the lights, then tapped Stoney on the shoulder and told him it was after midnight, and he and Karalea both needed to take their conversation to the bedroom, so I could turn off the lights.

Klayton snickered to himself, and placed Karalea's hand in his and asked her if she would like to go up to the room with him. Karalea slowly got out of the chair and did a slight stretch and said she was rather tired, then she gave Klay's hand a slight squeeze as she smiled up at him...and asked him to lead the way. Klayton gave me a cheesy grin and told me goodnight, then Karalea came up to me and gave me a kiss on the cheek and thanked me in my ear, then told me goodnight as she skipped off behind Klay as he took her to his room. Hammie 2nd came up around my ankles purring loudly, and meowing at me until I picked him up and took him to bed with me. I took a peek in Jc's room just to check on him, then I went into the bedroom and crawled into bed next to my Kc and snuggled with her and went to sleep with Hammie 2 curled up on my pillow beside me.

Years went by and every day Klayton was always thanking me for bringing Karalea to him because they truly belonged to each other, Kc and I was finally married and I have never been happier. Jc was 6 years old and was cancer free and living life to his fullest, while Kc and I gave him pure love and happiness every single day. Then as I watched my entire family hanging around the swimming pool during our family reunion, I looked back into the past of my life and when I saw Kc and Jc...I smiled and told myself who would have thought my mistake would end up being the greatest thing in my life and I was never going to let it go.


                                                             *The End*

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