Not Today

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All the underdogs in the world A day may come when we lose But it is not today
Today we fight!
No not today
Some day, the flowers will wither
But no not today
But today's not the day
It's too early to die
Too good day

We are extra
But still part of this world Extra plus ordinary
That's not even that special Today we'll never die
The light will pierce through the darkness
You want a new world too
Baby yes I want it

If you can't fly, run
Today we will survive
If you can't run, walk
Today we will survive
If you can't walk, crawl
Even if you have to crawl, gear up

Too hot, success doublin'
Too hot, somersaulting on the charts
Too high, we on trampoline
Too high, someone stop us

We couldn't fail
Because we believed in each other
What you say
Not today
We won't die today

Trust me, who is next to you Together we won't die
I trust you, who is next to me Together we won't die
We believe in the word, together
We believe that we're Bangtan

Throw it up!
Throw away the fear in your eyes
Break it up!
Break the glass ceiling that traps you
Turn it up!
Burn it up!
Till the day of victory
Don't kneel, don't break down That's not today!

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