MIC Drop

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Who says my spoon is dirty?
I don’t care, when I grab the mic, I have several gold spoons
Several uncooked steaks over there make me mad
Once again, I’ll chew you all up, on the night of the stars

Center of World Business
1st on the recruitment list, sold out
This class is not common, enjoy this value
Bad odors with good scents are against the rules

Bright lights, going forward
You thought I was gonna fail but I’m fine, sorry
Sorry, Billboard
Sorry, worldwide
Sorry mom, your son’s too hot
I’m being a good son in place of you
No cons in our concerts
I do it, you’re a bad ratatouille
If you’re jealous, sue me
Sue it

Did you see my bag
My bag’s filled with trophies
How you think bout that
Haters are already giving up
My success is already so golden
I’m so firin’ firin’ like a torchbearer
You’re rushing to run away
How you dare

So many trophies in my hands
Too heavy, my hands aren’t enough
Mic drop
Careful of your feet
Careful of what you say

I’m so busy
Too busy, my one body isn’t enough

This is the the exact saying
Right will prevail in the end
Once upon a time
Aesop’s Fables, fly
Look at your reality, too bad
Even if I die now, I’m damn happy
Which country are we going to this time?
Spending hours on a plane
I’m on the mountain
I’m on the bay
Total exhaustion on the stage
Mic drop bam

Haters gon’ hate
Players gon’ play
Live a life man
Good luck

No need to see each other ever again, this is my last goodbye
Nothing more left to say, don’t even apologize

Look closely, look at your pathetic self
We shoot up just like coca cola
Your corneas will be so shocked
Cause we’re just so cool

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