Pied Piper

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It’s bad so it’s better
You know on the inside
You can’t stop it now
So be honest with me

Now stop watching and study for your test
Your parents and director hate me
Video clips, pictures, tweets
V app, Bon Voyage
I know, you can’t help what you like
But stop, interpret the music video later
You have so many pictures of me in your room anyway
It’s not just one hour, it’s a whole year that’ll disappear
So this song is an award I’m giving to you

You’re not being punished
Come here, I’m your paradise
Can’t close your eyes
You can throw a fit but it’s no use
Just close your eyes, tune your ears

Follow the sound of the pipe, follow this song
It’s a bit dangerous but I’m so sweet
I’m here to save you, I’m here to ruin you
You called me, see?
I’m so sweet

You know it has already started
The moment you hear that sound
Maybe I’m a bit dangerous
Like the pied piper
I’m testing you
Like the fruit from the tree of good and evil
My pipe awakens everything
That sound burns you up even more

You’re pulled by it, you react
I’m endlessly blowing
I’m your guilty pleasure
You can’t escape

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