A Shoulder to Cry On - TFP Ratchet x Human!Reader

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Not really any suggestion of anything other than platonic relationship, but it's really just up to reader interpretation.
Either way, the reader admires him and tends to hang around him at base.

Just a little thing I wrote a while back as a kind of vent thing...
I really just needed a hug.

But I mean somebody might enjoy it so... here ya go!



You were crying.

Not that it meant much, it was such a regular occurrence. As usual, you took note of how strange it felt to be sobbing uncontrollably, tears running like rivers down your face, when all you really felt was numb. You thought about how ugly you must be right now - nose running; probably drooling - and you felt yourself cry harder if that was possible.

How dissapointed would they be if they saw you like this? Who were they? Your family, your friends, especially Ratchet. He thougt you were gross enough before.
You were so lucky to be a part of this alien robot adventure. You'd always wanted something like this to happen to you. You should have been happy. You should have been helping.

But you weren't.

You were here.

Crying over your own insignificant problems.

You gripped your hair in your hands.

You had to stop this.

You tugged on it.

Stop, before someone sees you.

You can feel strands snapping, being uprooted like trees in a hurricane.

STOP. Shut up and stop blubbing like the big baby you've always been!

But the more you try the more you can't stop. And the more you cry, the more you try to stop and it's a loop.

You can't breath properly.

This is ridiculous. You're not going to suffocate from crying. That's stupid and selfish, just stop.
You're going to end up choking on your own mucus if you don't. Then what would happen, if you died like that?

They wouldn't know why.

They'd blame themselves.

You couldn't do that to them.

You need to calm down.

But you're not sure you know how.


It's such a simple question!
Why can't you think of anything?
Stupid stupid stupid!
That's not helping.
Calm calm calm....


One time near exams, your dad said...
Said that his dad said...
To imagine yourself somewhere.
Somewhere you know.
Somewhere you love.
The place you most want to be...
What does it look like?
What does it feel like; smell like; sound like?



Your mind has taken you back to base. You're sitting on the sofa. Everyone's loud and joking around. You want to join in but...

You can't right now.

You can't make yourself speak.

There's nothing you could say.

There's the smell of takeaway pizza, but you feel sick at the thought of eating.

This isn't helping.

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