Ready To Start Over

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(Living room)

Ross walked back out into the living room, Emma and Josh were playing on the floor and both looked up as he walked out.

"I'm going now," he said "Can I have a hug?"

"Daddy, what were you and Mommy doing in there?" asked Emma curiously

"Nothing sweetie, Just talking" said Ross

"Talking with no clothes on?" asked Emma

"Something like that" said Ross "It's nothing to you"

"Are you coming home soon?" said Emma "Did Mommy say you could yet?"

"Not yet" said Ross "But I am coming back for you guys in an hour, we're going to Central Park for the afternoon"

"Really?" asked Emma "Just us or Mommy too?"

"Just as" said Ross "Now give me a quick hug before I go, you guys need to get ready"

Emma and Josh both jumped into his arms, hugging him so tightly he had to peel them off "I'll see you soon"

"Bye Daddy" said Josh, kissing his cheek "I love you"

"I love you both too" said Ross, as he closed the door behind him, turning his key to lock the door and walking downstairs and out into the sunshine.

He headed across the road, towards Joey and Chandler's apartment block.

He walked into Monica and Chandler's apartment to see Joey and Chandler sitting on the couch, watching a football game. Neither turned around when he entered.

"Guys" he said, getting no answer he repeated himself "GUYS"

Both jumped and turned around

"Hey man," said Chandler "What's going on?"

"Nothing much" said Ross, joining them on the couch and saying to Joey "Dude, Don't you have a home to go to?"

"I do but me and the lady of the home had a fight," said Joey "Phoebe told me to get out and go over to Chandler's to watch the football. She's being very mean to me lately"

"Where's Mon?" Ross asked Chandler "And Jamie and Taylah?"

"They went across the hall," said Chandler "Basically we swapped, I get rid off Monica and gain Joey"

"Fair enough" said Ross, grabbing a beer off the table

"How are things with you?" asked Chandler "Did you talk to Rachel?"

"Yeah" said Ross "And other things"

"Other things?" said Joey suspiciously "What other things?"

"Well we were talking, then I bumped into her when she was coming out of the bathroom, She was wrapped in a towel and boy did she look hot, She was complaining of neck pain so I gave her a massage and I guess one thing led to another" said Ross

"You didn't?" said Chandler

"We did," said Ross

"Are you serious?" asked Joey "She actually had sex with you again, after everything you've done?"

"So, are things looking up?" said Chandler, smiling

"I wish I could say Yes," said Ross "Once we were finished, with .stuff. She got upset because all she could think about was me doing that with someone who wasn't her, all she could see was Amanda's face"

"So she was picturing a woman when you were having sex" said Joey with a cheeky look on his face "Nice"

"Get your mind out of the gutter Joey," said Ross "It wasn't during, it was after"

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