Hawaiian Paradies

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3 weeks later

Ross looked out the window of the plane; all he could see was beautiful blue sky, fluffy white clouds and a bright shining sun.. A beautiful Hawaiian Paradise was awaiting them.

He looked at the seat next to him, Rachel was sound asleep, Joshua was curled up in her arms, his head resting on her chest also asleep. They were both breathing deeply in sync with each other.

On the other side of the aisle sat Emma, Jamie, Dayton & Jesse, All were sitting quietly, colouring in their colouring books or playing with their toys.

Monica, Chandler, Taylah, Phoebe and Joey were across the other side of the plane due to ticket and seating arrangements.

The pilots voice came over the intercom, saying they would be landing in Oahu in about 5 minutes so they should all fasten their seat belts for the landing.

"Seat belts fastened kids?" called Ross across the aisle

"Yes..Yes Daddy...Uh Huh Uncle Ross" came various replies

Ross looked at Rachel and Joshua, both looked so peaceful he almost didn't want to wake them...He leaned across and kissed her cheek softly, whispering in her ear "We're here Sleeping Beauty"

Her eyes opened and a smile spread across her face. Ross lifted a still sleeping Joshua out of her arms as she sat up, stretching her back.

"Wow" said Rachel "That was a good nap"

"Really?" said Ross "In airplane seats?"

"Yeah" said Rachel. She looked out the window at the scenery "God, Isn't that Beautiful"

"Sure is" said Ross "But what I'm looking out right now is more beautiful"

"Stop" said Rachel with a smile.

She leaned over the armrest and they kissed tenderly, and then were jolted apart as the airplane touched down.

The pilot's voice came back over the intercom "Good afternoon passengers. We have just landed in Kauai, Hawaii. The weather here is currently a sunny 35 degrees remember to get all your hand luggage before you step of the plane and we hope you enjoy your stay on the Island of Kauai"

Ross stepped out in the aisle and saw Joey and Phoebe walking towards him, Joey was looking slightly green.

"You don't look good Joey," said Ross "What's up?"

"He's been heaving his guts up the whole way," said Phoebe "Plane Sickness"

"Oh you poor thing" said Rachel "Are you ok?"

"Yeah.." said Joey

His eyes suddenly widened and he pushed his way off the plane and onto the Tarmac where he threw up in a Gardenia patch.

"Ewww" said Monica "That's so gross"

They stepped out onto the tarmac where 3 Hawaiian people, holding a bunch of Lei's, greeted them

"Aloha" said one, draping a Lei around Rachel's neck "Welcome to Kauai"

"Aloha" said Emma "Can I have a pink one?"

"You sure can Princess," said one of the women, putting a bright Pink Lei around her neck

"Can I have one too?" asked Joey like a child, apparently recovered from his plane sickness "A Manly Blue one"

5 minutes later, everyone sporting brightly coloured Lei's and carrying their luggage, 2 Little Buggy's rolled up.

"Here's our ride," said Ross "Ready to see our Hawaiian Paradise?"

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