Somebody That I Used To Know

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"I actually wanted to ask everyone's opinion on something" said Ross "It's pretty important, and I need your help as well"

"You haven't done it again have you?" asked Joey "God Ross"

"No!" said Ross "I'm going to ask Rachel to marry me"

"Marry you?" asked Joey, looking confused "Who did you marry when I was best man 5 years ago if it wasn't Rachel?"

"Well not marry me as such," said Ross "Renew her vows"

"Really?" asked Monica "You want to do that?"

"Yeah, but that's not all" said Ross

"And there's more?" said Chandler in a game show host voice

"I want to surprise her with a candlelit ceremony in Hawaii, on the beach" said Ross, a smile breaking across his face "She's always wanted to go to Hawaii, we used to talk about it all the time and if we renew our vows, it will cement in her mind how 100% faithful I am going to be to her, and how much I love her"

"That is so romantic," said Monica "Wow"

"What a great idea" said Phoebe

"Do you think she will want to renew her vows again though?" asked Ross "It's because I haven't exactly stuck to the vows I said last time, So this time I want to do it right and I am going to stick to them"

"I think she definitely will" said Chandler "With a romantic surprise like that, I'd marry you"

"The thing is I want to do it in 3 weeks" said Ross

"Why 3 weeks?" asked Joey

"Because in 3 weeks is our 6 year anniversary" said Ross 'I want it to be special"

"Wait a minute," said Joey "We're invited aren't we?"

"Of course" said Ross "All of you, plus Mom and Dad, Sandra and Leonard. That's it"

"So we're going to Hawaii?" said Phoebe "Oh my god, I'm so excited"

"Sshhh" said Ross "I haven't said anything about it to Rachel yet, like about the trip and I don't want Emma spilling the beans"

"Sorry" said Phoebe, covering her mouth "This is going to be so much fun"

"Hey, we can go to that Harbour in Hawaii," said Joey, clicking his fingers as he racked his brain "What's it called?"

"Pearl Harbour" suggested Ross

"Yeah" said Joey "Pay our respects"

Everyone looked at Joey in surprise

"What! I did do a History class at school," said Joey defensively "I do know these things"

"I know you do," said Phoebe lovingly, putting her arm around his waist

"So you will all come, and help me plan it?" asked Ross

"Definitely" said Monica "We wouldn't miss it"

"Great" said Ross "So the dates will be September 21st to September 28th. September 25th is our Anniversary so that will be when I'll surprise her with a romantic, ceremony"

"Sounds fantastic," said Chandler "She's really going to love it"

"Now no one mention the ceremony, She's going to know about the trip of course, But she will think it's just the all of us having a vacation" said Ross "Mom, Dad, Sandra and Leonard can fly up on like the 24th or something"

Everyone was nodding

"Sounds like you've got it planned" said Phoebe

"Yeah, How long have you been planning this?" asked Monica

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