👴🏻 old friend👴🏻

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~ Logan P.O.V~
My boy is going smash

~ lori P.O.V~
Me and Dani left the movies and walking and taking

So why are you bored with that movie ~ Daniel said taking my hand and taking to a place

Well I seen the movie but it was the old one and you know I am just ready for bed ~ I said I looking around then we stop

Ok I went you put this on ~ Daniel said giving me blindfolded then I put it on and he took my

~ Daniel P.O.V~
I took he hand and went to the pet shop as so I got there I went to the front desk she took us to the back I sat lori down

Ok Lori I went you to open up your arms and don't freak out ~ I said then the lady came with it
~ this is what he got her ~

Ok Lori I went you to open up your arms and don't freak out ~ I said then the lady came with it ~ this is what he got her ~

Ups! Gambar ini tidak mengikuti Pedoman Konten kami. Untuk melanjutkan publikasi, hapuslah gambar ini atau unggah gambar lain.

Ups! Gambar ini tidak mengikuti Pedoman Konten kami. Untuk melanjutkan publikasi, hapuslah gambar ini atau unggah gambar lain.

Ups! Gambar ini tidak mengikuti Pedoman Konten kami. Untuk melanjutkan publikasi, hapuslah gambar ini atau unggah gambar lain.

I put him in her lap then she start to pet it

Ups! Gambar ini tidak mengikuti Pedoman Konten kami. Untuk melanjutkan publikasi, hapuslah gambar ini atau unggah gambar lain.

I put him in her lap then she start to pet it

Ok you can take it off ~ I said she took it off and looked down to see a fox she started to cry

Omg I love him so much thank you Daniel so much I love it ~ lori said get up and putting him down then walking over to me and giving me a huge we stayed like that for ten minutes she pulled away

Hey can I be his father and we make days for him to see me because I think the guys would love him and I would love to see my kid ~ I said to her and she just laugh

Yes you could be his father and we could see what days you can get him ~ she said then walk back him

Oh yeah the Diamond leash is for special days and the bow tie is like any ever day ~ I said she just nod and put then she put put the bow tie on him and the blue one him

Ok what should we name him~ I said walking to her and petting him she look at me then him

How about Oreo because he looks like on ~ she said looking at me and him I just nod and laugh left

~ Logan P.O.V~
The movie just end we all left Zach is holding kissa because she is scared the jack and Nadine are holding hands corbyn and Jonah are acting like nothing happened because they were cuddling each and Daniel and lori I have no clue were they went

Hey guys do you know were Lori and Daniel went because I would love to know ~ corbyn said I think he is mad I have no clue why and I i know for a fact he doesn't like her so

Because if they I need to because my ship like come on man who does not ship them to-~ corbyn said he ran to Daniel and Lori and it looks like they have something with oh wait they do because corbyn has what look like a fox and corbyn is just screaming like a girl they are walking over

What do we have over here ~ I said looking at the fox they got

Well this is oreo and Daniel got him for me~ Lori said looking at Oreo that is in corbyn hands

And I am the father of Oreo ~ Daniel said in happy voice I look at Oreo to then corbyn look at them with a happy face on

Can I be his grandpa because he is so cute ~ corbyn said with happy face they just nod

Well that over with we should walk around ~ kissa said get off Zach and walking over to Oreo we all nod

~ lori P.O.V~
As we were walking I seen one of my old friend and I gust he seen me to because he started to walk over

~ Nadine P.O.V~
No way it can't be him

~ kissa P.O.V~
I haven't seen him for ever

~ Zach P.O.V~
I think we should get food

~ Jonah P.O.V~
I want my coffee

~Logan P.O.V~
I really hope Daniel and Lori are a couple soon

~ jack P.O.V~
Oreo is so cute

~ Daniel P.O.V~
I really hope this is not her boyfriend

~ Lori P.O.V~
This is going be fun

~ corbyn P.O.V~
I am going fox nap Oreo because he is so cute
Hey guy hope you in joy this chapter so yeah bye

Next door neighbor ~ why don't weTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang