🧡Back Together Part Two❤️/😮WHAT AM I GOING TELL HIM😦

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" are you ready baby girl" He asked I nod my head we both walked to the car he open the door and he ran to the other side of the car and stared the car and we are off to the restaurant
~Nadine P.O.V~
So right know me and Jack are going to a restaurant right know I could have been more happy then anything right know I am smiling more know I am not sad any more like no joke I am happy I could have been anymore happy in life Jack stopped the car he got out and ran to the other side of the car and open the door for me he helped me out the car I smiled at him he smiled back at me we walked in

" table for two please" Jack asked he nod his head and took us to a table that is out side it's pretty out hear like it's night time and you could see all the stars out I love it

" It's pretty" I said he smile at me god I love  that fucking smile like no joke that smile could kill you

" not as pretty the food is" he said laughing and this is why I feel in love with him

" how was it sleeping in the Seavey's room" He asked oh god not the Seavey room I don't want to go back to that room no more even when they come back

" I don't want to go back to there room no more I mean I love there bed and everything but I do miss are bed and room" I said laughing a little bit he dose to witch made me smile even more then the waiter came over

" My name is Avery and I will your waiter for to night can I stared you guys out with drinks" He asked us I am trying so hard not to laugh right know god I am loving this date I can't wait to tell Kiss about it

" I would like to have Root Beer" I said he nod his head then he looked over at Jack I am trying so hard not to laugh

"and for you" He asked Jack he is going take forever because it is Jack

" Can I have Pepsi please" Jack said he nod his head and walked a way then I stared to laugh then Jack looked at me funny

" his name is Avery just like you last name" I said he just laughed at me so I did I

" do you every thing Lori and Daniel will have a kids" Jacked asked me I looked down I know Daniel wants kids but when Lori was a kid she said she never ever wanted kids

" I know Daniel want's kids but Lori said she never want's kids but I think that will change and everything" I said I really hope Lori dose want kids because her and Daniel will make cute kids

" do you want kids" Jack asked me I looked at him and smile

" I do want kids I love them and everything but I don't think we are ready yet" I said he nod his head we got are drinks and food we talked a little bit more and stuff

~Kissa P.O.V~
I was sitting at home just after Jack and Nadine left I am happy that Nadine and Jack are back together I hard the front door open I did't know who is was because Zach is hang out with some friend and I no is home no this can't be happening aging no this can't I walked to the front door as soon as I seen who is was I was happy

" LORI AND DANIEL" I yelled I ran over to Lori and pulled her into a hug god I miss her so much man she is really tan then I pulled her hand up and looked at the ring it's pretty

" I love it" I said she just laughed man I sometime hate her and everything but I really did miss her and Daniel I mean there has been no watermelon in the house because no really eats watermelon it's just Lori and Daniel

" Oh we did't know when you guys will be back so your room is a bit mess because Nadine was sleeping in your room when her and Jack broke-up but right know they are on a date and Zach is out with some friends Jonah and Corbyn are out shopping getting something but they all are going be so happy to see you guys" I said I am so happy they are back like come on I miss these two so much we all walked to there room Lori open the door to find every thing clean

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