💞9 mouths💞

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~Last Chapter~

~Lori P.O.V~

It has been 9 mouths and you can real see my baby bell and Daniel birthday past and my birthday is coming up and the doc said the baby due date is in the mouth of April so are an April family witch I find funny I walked down to the living room and sat down next Zach

"you ok" he ask looking at me I looked over at him and gave him that look like for real look

"no this baby is killing like my feet hurt and my back hurts and I really want pizza" I said he just laughed I through a pillow at him he just laughed even more

"maybe you would what it's like to be pregnant" I said then I felt the baby kick

"ow" I said then Zach looked at me funny

"Daniel there something wrong with Lori" Zach yelled Daniel came running in and looking over at me I through a other pillow at Zach then one at Daniel

"no he just kicked that's all and know you get your fat butt up and get me pizza" I said to Zach he let a sigh out then left to go and get me pizza thank god Daniel smiled walked over to ma and put his hand on my tummy to feel the baby kick 

"I can't bevies that we are going be an April family that makes me even more happy like no joke" he said then he felt the baby kick he jumped up 

" OH MY GOD I FELT MY OWN KID KICK OH MY GOD THIS IS THE BEST DAY IN MY LIFE" he yelled I laughed a little bit then he stopped jumping and sat down and kissed me on the lips 

"I am so happy that we are staring a little family together this is the third best thing that happened to me" he said smiling at me showing his tooth gap I looked at him funny 

"the first best thing  was you saying yes to be my girlfriend and the second best thing is you saying yes when I prose to you" he said I smiled this boy really dose now how to make a girl smile I know why his fans love him 

"I got your pizza for" Zach said walking in and gave me a pizza box I smiled the said thank you I open the box and stared to eat I look up to find Zach and Daniel watching me 

"no and Daniel you should know better then to ask me for my pizza" I said getting up and taking my box and leaving the boys to go to my room to watch some TV more like supernatural
I hope you guys like this and I know it's not long but the next might be long not sure yet but this book is almost over it's coming and I am going finish this book to say so yeah goodbye guys love you 

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