Chapter 15

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AN: I realized how much mistakes I made in the other chapters and so I'll be reviewing them all next week! Feel free to comment the following week if I missed anything! -Thank you-

Isen your right we need to act.
Seraphina wipes a scrape of blood from her
forehead and her eyes glow.

Dang she's gonna kill them I don't fell a single
drop of pity for them. Isen says.

Blyke! Get over here! You shouldn't-
John stops when seeing Seraphina head over.

Finally found you. John I think
we need to fight there to may
and the more we wait the more lives
endanger. Says Seraphina.

John smiled to himself. Now he doesn't
have to hold back hurting Ember....

Ok Sera you should
pull Blyke down for a bit. I'll
go look for Remi and Emma.
John says.

Sera nods and runs to Blyke.

John POV

I thought my plan for beating the apples out of Ember was perfect....


Emma why is screaming! John says.

Then I saw Emma get stabbed
right in front of me. She had a look
of shock and she went as pale as a
ghost. Blood from her cut stop pouring
out and a huge thud came with her fall.

It was like a blur, it was like a dream...
or a movie. It was like I was frozen in
time and all
my thoughts stoped.

I truly was broken... I thought years
ago I was Brocken but I'm truly in

My head felt hot... and my eyes felt
like a volcano.

I see Sera with Blyke crying... did
they kill Remi too.. Ember can't get away
with this!

Snap out of it John it's all a dream...
none of this happened.

You PIECE OF SH*T! John smacks the guy with all of his strength. The guy uses his fire birds or whatever. John counters with it and gives him a shock.

 John counters with it and gives him a shock

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Then I see a dart 🎯 go in the air...

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 22, 2017 ⏰

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