Chapter 3 The First witch

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 it was the first day of of the witchman academy and most of them didn't like their new uniforms white collared shirts with black vest most of the girls wear skirts and the boys wear pants black shoes black ties or bow ties and black sweaters I look like a witch in this outfit I wish I could add pink Black black black I hate the color black . I hate the color black so I'm getting out of here no Sarah who was disrespecting my rule. Those disrespect my rule will get punished would be hanged. You will live here now Or else I will hang you for the rest of your lives you got that is prime minister Wichman Now go and my sister Bree will keep an eye on you I don't want to live here for the rest of my life I miss my parents I knew this tournament was a scam suddenly a note appear on each of the student's lunches Meet in the auditorium in 5 minutes sign an anonymous person Everyone met at the auditorium and wanted to find out what was going on I found out more about this history about this High School Academy it says long ago everyone was invited to the same tournament as we are now but then it evil prime minister trap the poor innocent teenagers who is trying to mold him into shape as he is because all his life his mother have died Anise potterhead move him into a true gentleman and he's going to do the same thing to us to stop him but young female along with two Royal Friends host a meeting a secret meaning like we are now in the stop them they have what is called the secret witches what are the secret secret witches are a group of organization the stop the Prime Minister and find a way to help us Unfortunately the prime minister use a spell to use perfect students to kill anyone who disobeyed him but a royal witch along with  other witches stop him and everyone went home But there's more along with these witches there are sorcerers who help them and their leader was a royal witch and what her was her boyfriend the prince sorcerer using the magic they stop evil prime minister and use their magic to lock away the evil Academy for good so all we got to do is find the first which I don't know but the first clue is the find the first which we need to find the nature key that sounds simple enough But the problem is Outside and the principal said if we go outside we'll be dead not we if make a distraction how we need to make a fake fight All I got to do is Dakota what's wrong I feel funny that's what  how did you will you guys did the meeting I managed to distract a principal but the trick in the book The Old Wolf window trick exactly I've heard about it that he's afraid of werewolves or any type of wolves since when he was younger he hates wolves Line and A Millennium armband I see young lady I have no choice but to stab you in the back leave her alone you and what army Dakota Milton if you don't leave my friend alone I have no choice but to give you dis a bracelet I have is it a caliber stabbed one it kills people in 5 minutes Dakota please you don't have to do this Rosalina had tears in her eyes Dakota has through her tears but she didn't want her friend to be killed if you don't have my friend soon I have no choice but hurt you like a bug.The wand glows and in its place was a pink headband finally something I like but never mind that I have to save my friend before she dies.It starts with her wearing a glowing yellow dress and holding the headband, shouts "Magic Time!" as she draws a circle and it becomes filled with flower designs. The circle moves a bit and green vines with leaves on them sprout out the middle and surround The pink skirt appears first and then a vine grows upward on her body and vines start to surround her arms and body, forming her light green top. Then more vines wrap around her legs and form her dark pink and green heels . Then the flowers on her shoes, skirt and top bloom. Her hair then lengthens and turns bright pink and styled in braided bun. Then her hat and earrings appear.A pink butterfly also lands on the left side of her hairpiece and eyes are light pink. Nature then spins around as the flower opens and a light pink ribbon and wings appears on her back, also resembling flower petals. Those who hurt my friends and nature shall be punished with the vines of death. Fiona nature Witch of nature. Dakota you're beautiful thanks but you can call me Fiona from now on . Now, we have bygones be bygones no but trying to stab my friend you will be severely punished mine started to wrap around the girl last beautiful flowers surrounded the princess for your kind Deeds you will be save Justin take her safe and ask for you you will be severely punished for trying to stab a young lady final attack Nature's kiss! my brother's going to hate me for THIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That witch is going to pay for my sister's death Now now prime minister I gave you the Deed to the school right right you can go right now and Destroy every single one of these girls right well it is true but I think I got an idea but you got to follow my lead yes my queen and soon my sister will pay for what she has done Whoever these witches are they'll be dead in the morning.

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