Chapter 6 the final 3

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It's been four days since we're stuck in this Academy and I'm about to die Focus Dakota It's almost Festival time for like 4 months and look we made a lot of friends right so all we got to do is find 3 more and that's it But how are we going to find the final three we looked everywhere We might as well give up and just be perfect students that's what he wants us to think the Prime Minister stop us here so that way we can die why not going to make a stand for it anymore she's right as long as she wears that Tiara nothing can stand in our way Something is going on I'll investigate the north South East Why do I have to take the West. Let's hurry up and transform before she finds out we're gone It starts with her wearing a glowing yellow dress and holding the headband, shouts "Magic Time!" as she draws a circle and it becomes filled with flower designs. The circle moves a bit and green vines with leaves on them sprout out the middle and surround The pink skirt appears first and then a vine grows upward on her body and vines start to surround her arms and body, forming her light green top. Then more vines wrap around her legs and form her dark pink and green. Then the flowers on her shoes, skirt and top bloom. Her hair then lengthens and turns bright pink and styled in braided bun. Then her hat and earrings appear.A pink butterfly also lands on the left side of her hairpiece and eyes are light pink. Nature then spins around as the flower opens and a light pink ribbon and wings appears on her back, also resembling flower petals. Those who hurt my friends and nature shall be punished with the vines of death. Fiona nature Witch of nature.The sequence begins with June's holding her wand and wearing a translucent rainbow-colored dress and she then shouts "Magic Time!". June leaves leaving Silver with her attire consists of a light blue blouse with frilly sleeves and a ribbon at the back, dark blue shorts, striped stockings held up by a dark blue garter belt .and a light blue cap with a blue spade. A bunch of spades that surround her hair and cause it to grow and change to light pink. Then her earrings ,choker, and pale blue witch hat appear. Then a pale blue cape appear as she flies around and the rainbow-colored skirt appears. Her pale blue boots appears. Linnie Luna ! Protecting the beautiful Light.Zoe and Lindsay which triggers their clothes to become long robes of their respective theme color. As they throw their free hands in the air, they shout out "Magic Time!" and behind them a red light and a stream of water zig zags shoots from above them. Lindsay's robe and hair turn red as a giant red ribbon appears above them. The ribbon splits and wraps around them as a giant heart now appears above her, which then explodes into red heart-shaped flower petals. Her hair is now red and light pink and the robe turns pink as ribbons form her back bow and choker and her dress and gloves appear in a burst of fire, with a a red and orange bow with a yellow heart now appears at the end of her skirt. Fire's shoes and hat appear before her hair changes. Finally, she gains a bow with a red gem in the middle. she spins around before passing through the pentagram Fire lands, I am more help with this power Fire Frida .a ripple of water shaped like a heart to surround Zoe. This shoots her into the sky and allows her hair color change from red to coral blue. Four rings of water surround them and make her dress appear, then her shoes, her hair in a braided hairstyle. A teal jewel on her neck appears which is then followed by her gold bracelet appearing on her wrist. After her witch hat appear on her heads, She shoot into the sky once more and come out of the light blue pentagram to land on the ground The ocean is my power Sally Sea. Up there there's poison. But who's the one controlling it that would be me Rebecca that's right I hated nature and all the others so why not pollute the Earth and control the Earth my way that's so wrong it kill many people I don't care as long as I really my way I don't even really need my subjects. And who's going to stop me you four I am. Rose ? Well well if it isn't mature Rose let me guess the modeling company accepts you for who you are now . That's rich same old Rose over always mimicking her favorite card but still why do you still have to wear her favorite Heroes outfit I forgot she always looks like her boyfriend Of course you wouldn't have met you're a duelist / model who doesn't know anyone about her spirit's past Unlike me I have a rich life I have been the most popular teenage girl ever So you know about the truth about me meddling little model meddling you're the one who Meddle the only reason people don't like you It's because you're always self Centered that's not true You're always fill darkness in your heart thought maybe so but I'm not the one who uses her Darkness for evil is that true yes I am a dark princess but not a bad one I use my darkness for good instead of evil but when people found out that Darkness was filled with evil I hid my dark powers And maybe I'll take away your dark and light even your magic from you. Protected by your own fate haven't you you're just a simple average female model true I may be. But I am a leader and I high things from my heart. Go back young lady transform I know it you're just an average teenage girl I know average teenage girl I fight for Honor respect Beauty and true honesty .You will leave my friends alone or what Or else you will be feeling the pain of my Fury . With this new power of magic you will be sorry for what you have done Rose holds her card which triggers her clothes to become long dress of red. As She throw her free hand in the air, She shout out "Magic Time!" and light makes Royal appear. A dark blue and black crop top with a blue and dark grey-layered skirt with a red and white gradient skirt underneath. Around her waist is two belts with a rose and a pearl. She also wears a dark green sleeveless coat with a light blue ribbon with a purple topaz heart in the center with a gold tassels on the coat. The bottom also has stars at the ends. Her arm warmers are red and white and reach her upper arm her long dark blue cape and purple and pink boots appear .Next, a dark blue and purple witch hat appear on her head, making a blue bow appear on back on dress. She floats up through a pentagram and fly down. To protect those with magic and the same goes with love magical Millie.I am never seen you in that dress before. Exclamation later I got to stop her before she destroys the Earth. You again where on Earth did you get that dress it's not the dress that matters what's matters is, I protect the magic and everyone else in it from you If it's a fight you want it's a fight you'll get. Make your move .What's the matter afraid of your own shadow not afraid of my own shadow I'm trying to prove that I'm better than of my own self but you're polluting the Earth is wrong So you want revenge on those who love you because your boyfriend why don't you just get yourself another one that's how Society works Maybe I should never talk to a bad guy again I could sense the poison from here will check it out you defeat the poison witch thanks guys You choose your poison against everyone's wishes is that how you choose against love love is word of poison a word that describes you Rosella that you will die What does that even mean all your majesty and it's that really your name out of 3 there's more than one me that doesn't have even have a name there's more the nameless Prince Queen including the famous one of all the nameless pharaoh Leave my friends out of this police didn't do nothing wrong all police do you think I was talking about June or Yugi . I'm talking about the famous male model Justin leave him out of this he didn't do anything but without him you're hopeless and it's time for you to make your ticket to death This is going to be one scary transformation and all poison gone it's Rose anything wrong now that a lot of poison to cleanup Everything is a fake her appearance everything Let's see your friends when they're covered in Poison stock i'm scared you can do this just don't be afraid of that monster Enjoy your last breath princess because this is a one-way ticket to death you're going as a knife was about to go through her she was protected by a shield How can you protect it by something that I can't kill you A glass wall Who's protecting you Who's there show yourself Spreading his newly acquired armor-wings, one surges forward, flying directly at the monster at the center of the storm. As other does, he's attacked by a mass of Poison Worms, defeating them all very quickly. Enveloping the two men in a purple aura of dark magic, they flied forward again, piercing through the core. Inside the boys found Royal fighting Toxica. Yami flies up to help her as Toxica calls forth demons from the wind itself to attack her, only to have them overpowered as Royal and Light attacks each one on her way up. I'm getting weak Your Friends Are not touching the poison Friends give me strength and courage and you thinking of killing them or me you have another thing in common you're wrong Who needs teammates when you can rule the world then you and your poison can have one thing your loneliness together in the shadow Realm.Final attack Dark and light magic Kiss! She blasts her with her pink and white staff, destroying her and the poison. Please don't hurt me I work with the Becca but please don't hurt me or send me to the scary place what's your name Milk please don't send me there well even though just did work for filling and try to almost kill me but your heart was still in the right place you sent for help and that was the right thing to do and so I'm giving you a choice award you can come live with us or you can come and visit us as long as you wish it is your choice for now on .Royal collapses from exhaustion Back at school at the nurse's office Your friend is fine just a simple exhaustion from the Sun Where am I in the nurse's office It's a riddle for the mysterious man again Now that the witches and Sorcerers are found ,now it's time that you've must find the crown and gown The crown of Celestia is where you must go and the gown of Luna you must find around So that means if we can find those two objects we could defeat the prime minister and then we can go home. 

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