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Dear Diary,

"What happened to Yurio?"

"Where is Yurio?"

"Did he snatch Clarissa's weave off?"

1) We are still trapped in Mexico, in this filthy ass mansion.

2) I answered that in one

3) Sadly I didn't snatch her weave off. That b*tch is too sneaky.

Damn Victor. He ran off when we needed his help the most. Now he can't even get in. Idiot. Leaving his children-CHILD alone with two teenagers.

Otabek: Yurio can you stop writing in that for second? I want to talk.

Me: *puts diary down* Talk about what?

Otabek: This ヽ༼ ಠ益ಠ ༽ノ We're trapped as hostages and we aren't doing anything. *looks into my eyes* Usually you try something by now.

Me: It's not worth it. *shrug* I'll probably be killed by the millions of minions she has.

Otabek: *sighs* There has to be a-

A crash from below us, I'm guessing the first floor, cut off Otabek. Next thing I know I hear a bunch of yelling. In Russian? What. The. Hell?

Victoria wakes up from her nap and automatically starts saying things in Japanese.

Victoria: PAPA!!! PAPA!!!

Me: Dad? Victor? He's not here! Be quiet shhhh-

Victor: *breaks door down and enters with shades on* Privet mother truckers.

Me: ...what...the...

Otabek: f***?

Victoria: FU-

Victor: ༼ ༎ຶ ෴ ༎ຶ༽ No my sweetie, lets get out before these children ruin your innocent ears anymore. *picks up Victoria and walks out*

Otabek looked at me, with the same face I probably have. How the hell, did Victor get in here?

Wait no.

He didn't...

Russian Mafia?


I'm just.

I'll leave.

Yurio's Diary//Otayuri//Where stories live. Discover now