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Jimin's lips were streched into a smile as he walked down the halls, clutching his english books tightly against his chest

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Jimin's lips were streched into a smile as he walked down the halls, clutching his english books tightly against his chest. Taehyung was looking at him, his cat eyes squinted. The older hadn't stopped smiling since they met up.

"Hyung... may ask something?"

The older smiled up at Tae and nodded his head, excited.

"Did anything happen? Anything good, I mean?"

At that Jimin's cheeks went a soft red and he looked down at his shoes, he didn't stop smiling though. Taehyung found himself smiling as well, glad that his friend was so happy.

"So, are you going to tell me?"

 Then the older raised his head and looked left and right before grabbing Tae's hand and pulling him in the male toilets.

 Jimin was too ecxited to tell Tae what had happened that he didn't check to see if anyone was in any of the stalls. He left his book on the counter and turned fully towards Taehyung, his ckeeks rosy and his eyes sparkling.

Taehyung wanted to cry at the sight of him. It was one of the few and scarce times that Jimin was so alive, actually he had never seen him that happy in a long time and it made him thank the Gods.

 "Don't freak out but... something amazing happened last night. The most beutiful thing ever actually."

 The younger raised his eyebrows but stayed silent curiosity killing him on the inside.

"Yoongi came over last night and..."

'And..." Taehyung was really close to screaming at what the older was implying. He had been waiting for this for God knows how long.

 "And we kissed."

 The second those words came  out of his lips he burried his face in his hands, not beleib=ving he had said it outloud. His face was burning and his heart pounding like crazy.

Taehyung on the other hand was squilling like a dead pig and jumping all over the place. "Chim, that is amzing, I can't beleive this. I am so happy for you."

 Jimin then laughed and on impulse hugged Taehyung tightly. The younger, somehow understanding why, hugged back just as tight and rubbed his back lovingly. When the hug was broken they both had a smile on their [ridicusly handsome] faces.

 The younger then shook his head and giggled."Come on chim, let's head  to class and you can tell me all about it."

 Taehyung winked as Jimin grabbed his book and followed Tae out of the toilets and into the crowded halls.


Jimin grumbled in annoyance as he walked down the hallways, clutching the pass in his hand angrily. He had to go through a teacher's sassy rant just so he could get a pass for the restrooms. Teachers were either too stupid or too bitch-y in this school.

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