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"She what!?!?" Ryan yelled over the phone. He smiled super big.

"Yup, so starting next week her guards will be up. Meaning double the security." Ryan nodded acting like his boss can see him.

"Yes sir." They hung up making Ryan celebrate by himself. He walked in the house where everyone else was.

"What happened?" Jackie said looking up from her magazine.

"Is everyone here." He said counting everyone.

"Alright, so That was James, and come to find out Princess sent a request to her father upgrading our positions. So now instead of getting orders we can send them and have someone else do them." Justin sat up from the couch.

"Wait were level 1 now?" Ryan nodded. The guys all cheered leaving the girls confused, but happy to see their boys happy.

"What's a level one?" Naomi asked.

"We're going to be paid the big bucks baby." Ryan said planting a kiss on Naomi's lips. She smiled.

"That's amazing guys. You should go thank her." Jackie said going back to her magazine.

"Good idea." Ryan said. Jazz pointed at her smiling. Justin patted Jazz's back walking with them Jason walked the opposite way not really wanting to talk to her just yet. Upstairs the princess was on her balcony looking out at the city thinking to herself. She had her hands crossed over her chest thinking of what the first thing she is going to do when she gets home which was lay in her oversized bed, and talk with her younger sister and twin brothers. Their birthday was slowly approaching and Dylan was hoping she gets to see them. Instead of doing nothing she decided to take charge and ask the head in command. Her door opened making her turn around. She seen the guys all smiling at her.

"There she is."Jazz said skipping to her. She smiled stepping back.

"What do you want to do? Anything you want." She grinned.

"I see you guys have been informed of my request." They all nodded. She scanned them and didn't see Jason. He's been keeping to himself lately. She did not like that at all. She felt like he was not starting to like her.

"I just want to chill and take pictures." Jazz nodded.

"I'm on it." He said running out the room to get his camera.

"Um Ryan can you order pizza or something?" He nodded.


They all talked amongst themselves as Kevin Hart main menu played on the screen. They just finished eating and watching there fourth movie. Princess sat in the middle of everyone quiet as a mouse. She was thinking about why Jason wasn't talking to her and also how she was going to apologize to everyone about last nights events. As everyone spoke to one another Jason watched her body movements and how she kept to herself. Ashe would smile her and there, but not one word came out her mouth.


"Excuse me everyone?" She said looking down as her hair covered her face. They all got quiet looking at her. Princess Dylan stood up facing them.

"I would like to apologize for my behavior in last nights actions. That was not lady like of me, and I know I would be in so much trouble if my mom or father finds out." She said imagining if they really did find out.

The Proper Princess Where stories live. Discover now