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   Hey guys! Cliff hanger! Did you like it? Pretty interesting start to a book, huh? Anyways, I would like to thank my friends at school Rafe and Natascha, for Laura and Drake being based on them. They were the ones who started the Floor Game in my class. And yes, Rafe is tall, just like Drake. I knew pandalovespugs, and evilpixieofdoom, that you would recognize them. And Emma is based off me, and Lexi is based off my best friend, evilpixieofdoom. Her real name is Madelynn. Now, on with the story! :P

   "Lexi!" I screamed. She landed in the water, which was really deep. It was like ocean deep. I stopped in my tracks, and the person behind me in line bumped into me.

   "Help me!" Lexi screamed. I frantically looked around for help, but there were no adults there. How could there be no adults in the hallway? That was their job to watch us!

   Without thinking, I reached out for Lexi and tripped. I fell in to. Luckily, unlike Lexi, I knew how to swim. It was one Lexi' s embarrassing secrets that she was 11 and didn't know how to swim. I grabbed her and headed for the normal ground. But when I looked at the red and tan tiles, I found that they were real lava and real quick sand! There was no way out of this death trap. I looked for a way out, and I found the white tiles were perfectly normal. I grabbed on to it, and pulled Lexi and I out of the water. When we got out, there was a crowd around us. They were just watching us and not bothering to help us? I got Lexi out. To our surprise, our clothes were dry.

   I looked around to find Laura and Drake, this was probably a prank. Was this whole thing a hallucination? Maybe Lexi and I were just scrambling around on the normal tile floor. Maybe I was screaming at Lexi and everybody was laughing. I ran over to Laura and Drake.

   "What was that?" I snapped at them. They looked confused.

   "What are you talking about?" Drake asked.

   "You didn't pull a hallucination prank on Lexi and I? Then why are my clothes dry?" I asked them. They shook their heads, they didn't know.

   That while thing was real? I was going to have to warn everyone else that didn't know. I ran to the lunchroom.

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