Chapter 5

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Ever since Hyoseob agreed to collab with Zico, life slowly changed for him, more or less. It was for the best, though. Not like he was actually given a choice either.

By this, I mean, he was spoiled rotten. Zico paid his phonebill for him, fed him some more (even after the fridge ransacking) , paid his monthly rent in advance, and promised to take him clothes shopping the very next day, after the agreement.
Hyoseob repeatedly told him he didn't have to do this and all this was 'unnecessary', but Zico took offence to that.
Nothing, and absolutely nothing he did for Hyoseob was deemed unnecessary to him.
They were best friends and he was gonna satisfy him one way or another, whether he would willingly accept the gifts and favors or not.

Anyways, that night, Zico gave up his bed for Hyoseob to sleep in. They went back and forth together about it, but Zico insisted he take his bed, since he was guest for the night (maybe two).

"Fine," Hyoseob eventually said, "But since I'm staying, can I wash up? I feel disgusting after work and all."

"Well I'm not gonna let you sleep in filth, especially in my bed. Bathroom's down the hall, to the right," He pointed out the door and bent his hand to the right as a physical representation.

Hyoseob just nodded and put the song sheets down on the bed, then left the room. Down the hall, to the right, he went. When he opened the door, he almost gasped out loud. He walked in and closed the door before saying to himself, "Oh my god."
Not only was the bathroom huge, but it was really nice, and different, to him at least. Everything was teal colored and shiny, except the sink, tub, and showerhead. The sink and tub were black marble, and the showerhead was silver metal, of course. What really got Hyoseob though, was the tub and shower. They were separate, as in, next to each other. And not only that, but the tub was hexagon shaped.
He walked around the bathroom a little, his shoes almost padding against the tile floor, and stopped at the mirror.
"The one at home isn't nearly as clean as this one.." he told himself, touching his face as he looked at his reflection. Finally, he stopped stalling and gathered what he needed to get clean. From the corner of the bathroom, there was a tall rack laden with clean towels, sponges, soaps, lotion, facial cream, all that good stuff Hyoseob couldn't afford. He took a sponge and a half used bottle of liquid soap, put them on the edge of the tub. It took a while for him to adjust the water temperature for the tub, but when he did that, he got naked, stepped in, then sank down into the clear bath water. Finally comfortable, he leaned his head back and sighed.

Meanwhile, Zico tidied up his bedroom, shoving his composition into his back pocket for safe keeping. He didn't really have anything else to do, so when he finished cleaning up a little, he sat in his roller chair and went through his phone.
About an hour or two later, Zico thought he heard his name being called, but it was faint he ignored it. The second time he heard his name, it was somewhat louder but almost like a whisper. Then one more time,


He jumped out of his seat, then silently stomped down the hall and to the bathroom door, which was cracked open slightly. Hyoseob's head was poking out and he was looking down when Zico walked up.

"...What?" Zico looked him up and down, but not too much. He was obviously naked.

"Do you have anything I can sleep in? Since... Short notice and all-"

"Yeah, yeah," Zico answered, already down the hall and heading to his room again to search the closet.

As he was searching the closet for something the other might be able to fit, he yelled to him, "You can come out the bathroom!!"

"But I'm naked!" Hyoseob yelled back.

Zico chuckled to himself, "I know!"

Hyoseob's eyes shifted awkwardly, not knowing if his buddy was being serious or not. It was honestly kind of flustering to him, so he quietly closed the door and waited.
A few minutes later, Zico opened the bathroom door slightly, threw some clothes in, closed it, and waited outside the door.

"Thanks man," Hyoseob said as he picked up the clothes. It was really loose joggers and a white t-shirt that looked too small. He put them on anyways and came out with the pants fitting just right, but the shirt fitting him tightly, and his clothes from today balled up in one hand. Zico took one look at him, up and down, and then snickered,

"It's the-"

"It's the shirt, I know," Hyoseob cut him off before taking the shirt off and handing it back to the other.

Zico took the shirt back and laughed, "It's the titties," he slapped Hyoseob's chest and jogged off to his room, followed by Hyoseob stomping and asking him repeatedly, "Are you saying I have man boobs?!"

When they got to the room, they both settled down, Zico put the shirt up, Hyoseob put his dirty clothes in a corner,

"Now, are you sure  you don't wanna sleep in your bed and have me take the couch?"

"Seob. If you ask me that one more time, I'm seriously going to fight you."

"Okay, okay.. Well, I'm tired. Soooo, I'm going to bed!" Hyoseob sighed in content as he laid back.

Zico grinned and stepped forward to pinch his friend's semi-chubby tummy, playfully, "Alright, I guess I'll go shower and take my ass to bed as well."

Hyoseob flinched from the pinch and hesitated before answering, "Yeah... You do that, night man."  He crawled up to the pillows and slid under the covers until he was nose deep in the sheets. He only closed his eyes after Zico turned the light off and closed the door behind him. He felt kinda weird. Like, Jiho was a really cool guy and he knew him for a long time. He wasn't as touchy and... Soft as he was now. That doesn't mean he was always mean, but he's kind of different now. For maybe a split second Hyoseob thought, "Maybe he's hitting on me or something," but that sounded utterly ridiculous to him, so he just cleared his mind and went to sleep.

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