Chapter 7

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After their shopping day, Hyoseob stayed for another night, and then another, and then another week, another month, then 3. It'd been 3 months now, and Hyoseob basically lived with Jiho at this point. All his personal belongings (which wasn't much) as well as his old music equipment he'd given up on had moved in. But apparently, it was a temporary stay, according to Hyoseob. He had always said, "It's until we finish this collab," but it never felt like that. In fact, it was as if Zico was dragging his feet when it came to releasing the music. Everything was done, the song was finished being written, they had already recorded everything, they even had their outfits picked out for whenever they'd start performing. Yet  Zico wouldn't release anything yet. Day in and day out, Hyoseob would lay on the sofa downstairs, asking, "So are we gonna release this thing yet or what?" And Zico would always answer something like, "Oh, I gotta revise something really quick and then it'll be good to go."

At this point, he'd had to revise this song about 10 times, prolonging Hyoseob's stay. Now, all he wanted was to go back to his little old apartment, which was empty now. It's not that he didn't like staying at his friend's big ass place, but the experience got weirder by the day. Like, Zico was really touchy and possessive and insisting. Every once in a while, he'd even hop in the shower while Hyoseob was in the bathtub right next to it. Sometimes he'd hop in bed with him and ask what he was doing on his phone, damn near spooning him from behind. It was so weird, almost  as if Jiho were hitting on him.... But that wasn't possible, according to Hyoseob, it was too weird and unlike Jiho at all. Either way, he couldn't take it much longer.

So, one Friday morning, Hyoseob packed all his things, new and old, into plastic bins and bags. They sat by the door and he sat on the sofa, ready to go. When Jiho got up to go to the kitchen, he stopped at the stairs when he saw Hyoseob in the living room.

"Um... What are you doing up this early? And why are you blocking the door with all your... stuff?" He asked, still partially asleep.

"I'm leaving."

"Leaving?.." Zico rubbed his eyes, waking up completely in that instant. This was unexpected news on a Friday morning.

Crush nodded and didn't say anything else. He was as straight faced as ever, legs crossed, and phone in his hand, ready to call an uber he couldn't even pay for.

Zico raised his eyebrows and just looked at him, rolling his shoulders as the other stopped talking without reason, "Care to explain why and how?"

"No, not really."

"Bit- Okay," he shrugged, "be like that then. But what are you gonna do when you leave? You have nothing; no car, no apartment, almost no money, no job, you dropped that remember? All you have is me. Gonna move back in with your parents? Your sister? Hm? I'm almost positive you don't wanna do that. So you're gonna end up on the streets till I release this damn song, then?"

Hyoseob was looking like boo-boo the fool now, cause everything this man was saying was true. His dumbass been relying on Zico so much for the past few months that he lost everything of his own, it was all Zico's. Stupid ass even quit his job. He doesn't even know why he did that, he was just being stupid. And now he just looked even more stupid in front of his best friend. He sighed and put his phone down. 

"Guess I'm staying," he mumbled, loud enough for Zico to hear.

"That's what I thought," he looked Crush up and down then shook his head before coming over and sitting on the sofa with him.

"Thanks for humiliating me," Hyoseob scooted away and half frowned.

"No one else is here to see you like this anyways," Zico scooted closer and put his arm around him in a 'friendly' way, "I wasn't gonna let your dumbass leave and become a bum anyways."


Zico nodded and chuckled, then slipped out of his conscious body for a second, a second long enough to allow him to kiss Hyoseob's forehead. It literally lasted a second but when it was over, Zico realized what he did and got up, "Hey do you want some breakfast.... bro?"

Hypseob's body froze but he nodded his head, at this moment his mind screamed,


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