Chapter 6

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That very next day, the boys went shopping at some fancy, expensive clothing store. Zico wore his typical, expensive apparel, fitting right in. But Hyoseob wore the clothes he had on the day before, collecting rich people stares as he roamed the isles with his friend. It was uncomfortable and pushed him into his shell more as Zico escorted him around saying,

"Do you want this?"
"Get whatever you want."
"How about that?"
"That'd look good on you."
"I'll literally buy you anything, stop being so humble for once."

At one point they created suspicion amongst the other customers. Everyone either thought Zico was preparing Hyoseob for trafficking, or he was just a typical sugar daddy. Either way, the situation was awkward. Like, Imagine being in a clothing store, and you see a rich guy trying to buy up everything for some poor guy he dragged around. That's basically what was going on.
They walked around the store, Zico asked if Hyoseob wanted a specific clothing item, Hyoseob said 'no', Zico sized him up anyways, and they got the item. Before getting to the front of the store, Zico held two armfuls of clothing; pants, shirts, jackets, socks. And Hyoseob held onto a shoe box, with expensive shoes in it, of course. And not a single thing they carried was for Zico, yet he still stopped before getting to a clerk to ask Hyoseob,
"Do you want cologne? A watch?"

"A watch? No. What do I need a watch for?" Hyoseob argued uselessly as he followed Zico up to the register and put the shoes up there next to where his new clothes were sat down to be rang up.

"Ok," Zico turned to the cashier, ignoring everything Hyoseob just said, "Can I also get a Yacht-Master 40 and some kinda expensive cologne?"
(Smaller items like this were kept in the back).

The cashier nodded and asked for what date of cologne he wanted before he went back to fetch them.
"Whatever's the most expensive and brand new," was Zico's response and the cashier disappeared behind some door in the back.

Hyoseob hit Jiho's arm and gave him a certain look before asking,
"What the fuck is a Yacht-Master 40?"

"It's a Rolex."

"WH- WHAT THE HELL MAN. I said I don't need a damn watch! And look at that price! Without the Rolex," he pointed to the four figured price on the small screen before them.

"But you're my best friend, so I don't care how much I spend on you, it's making you happy, right?" Zico chuckled somewhat unsurely.

"It's worrying me, cause you're acting like you have a money spending problem, Jiho."

"If you wanna get technical, I really do, but we won't get on that subject right now," Zico blurted quickly right before the cashier came back out with a small, white paper bag.

There were two small boxes in it, one holding the cologne, and the other with the watch. He rang everything up, boxed up the clothes (because fancy, expensive clothes usually come in boxes for some reason), put the boxes into fancy, white paper bags as well, and Zico swiped his card. Not a single sweat down his temple as all that money was sucked out of his seemingly bottomless bank account. He took the majority of the bags and left Hyoseob to carry his shoes and the bag with the watch and cologne to the car. The clothes and shoes went in the back seat, but Zico insisted Hyoseob bring the watch and cologne to the front seat with him.

They sat in the car for a few seconds, literally, and Zico turned to him,
"Can you put the watch on?"


"Please man, I just bought it for you."

"I didn't even want it-"


"OKAY!" Hyoseob grumbled as he took the small watch box out of the bag and opened  it. The bracelet and dial was black, and the case was Everose gold. 'It is nice though,' he thought to himself as he slid the watch onto his wrist and closed it up.

"Ooooo, sauce~" Zico held out his wrist next to the other's and lifted his sleeve to reveal the same, exact watch.

"I hate you." Hyoseob said, jokingly of course, cause he smiled immediately afterwards.

He sat back in his seat and sighed,


"I'm sorry for complaining so much, I really am grateful for all this. And if this is what you like doing, I won't judge you for that. I guess I'm just extra fund cautious and it bothers me to see you throw it away on me so easily and effortlessly."

"Nah, it's fine," he laughed, "I think I do have a spending problem, really. It's only on you though, so I wouldn't say I'm throwing away my money," he looked at him, "It's really worth it cause I really... like you. Man. A-as a friend of course."

Hyoseob looked at Zico, causing him to face forward and sit up. He didn't say anything, in fact he was lost. He didn't know if Zico was getting at something or what but if he did, he expelled that quickly.

"We should get home. You staying another night, Seob?"

Hyoseob nodded and turned his head to the window. Zico glanced at him from the corner of his eye once more before starting up the car and pulling out of the lot.

'That was close,' he thought.

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