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you have 7 more months of your high school career left. you are 17. you have a new girlfriend. you're already a poolee in the marines, already to go once you hit 18 next June. you have your life at the tip of your fingers.

i have 7 months left of knowing you exist. because after that, i will never see you again. you will only exist in the videos i have of you, in the words you've sent me, in the letter you wrote. you will become a piece of fiction in my head. i don't know how i will feel after you graduate. will i finally realize your lack of feelings towards me and somehow be released? or will i spend yet another summer crying over you?

7 months left of seeing you in the hall. 7 months left of hearing your voice. 7 months left of seeing those fucking hands that were so much bigger than mine but holding hands with you was so nice because our hands fit together. 7 months left of feeling your presence around me and not feeling like i dreamed you up. 7 months left of seeing you for the rest of my life.

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