Contest 3 Winners

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Hey, it's me. This time around with the contests there weren't too many submissions, but there definitely wasn't a lack in creativity and talent! Okay, let's just get straight to the winners:

T H I R D • P L A C E

Artist: forNarnia19 First of all I absolutely love this song <3 And secondly, everything about it really commemorates the song

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Artist: forNarnia19
First of all I absolutely love this song <3 And secondly, everything about it really commemorates the song. The calligraphy job is looking mighty fine, and the drawing of a camera is nothin short of awesome. Good job!!
P R I Z E:
3 VOTES!!!!! LOVE!!!!!

S E C O N D • P L A C E

Artist: pandagift So I've never heard this song before so I googled it and dang I was not disappointed

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Artist: pandagift
So I've never heard this song before so I googled it and dang I was not disappointed. I can't believe I've never heard that song before! It's so beautiful and the meaning is so deep and this picture you drew has captured the theme of the song. The coloring looks fantastic—it looks like watercolor to me but I could be wrong—and the emotion shown on the child's face is amazing. Props to you, and thanks for introducing me to a new song I like :)
P R I Z E:
5 VOTES!!!!!! A FOLLOW!!!COMMENTS!!!!!!! LOVE!!!!!!

F I R S T • P L A C E

Artist: WarWoman So this is an awesome drawing of Stevie Wright by the fantastic WarWoman

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Artist: WarWoman
So this is an awesome drawing of Stevie Wright by the fantastic WarWoman. Every time I see another piece of your work I'm overwhelmed by how much you've grown as an artist. Got to hand it to you, your shading on the face and hair is superb. Nice job!!!!
P R I Z E:

And that's a wrap! Thanks so much to everyone who participated, and if you didn't happen to place this time, don't get discouraged! Never stop trying, and maybe you'll surprise yourself one day with how far you've come!

Stay tuned; since summer is coming up, more contests will be posted more regularly!


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