Chapter 22

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Sabrina's POV:

I fell and fell and fell, down, down, down. I didn't even feel the walls of the tunnel. All I could see was the darkness before me as I tumbled down, and all I could hear was the wind whistling in my ears.

I could hear shouts of fear and confusion a little distance away, and a loud bark.

At least they're okay, I thought, guessing it was Daphne, Red, and Elvis.

I looked forward into the darkness. Well, I looked down. It was an odd feeling, since I was falling straight down, but it seemed like I was sliding forward.

Where am I? This definitely isn't anywhere in Ferryport Landing...

Is it another one of those time portals?! This thought brought panic into my mind, and I tried to reach out to touch the tunnel walls, to try to stop myself.

But I couldn't find them. They had disappeared, even though they had been there a very short while ago.

And suddenly the darkness around me turned to light and I tumbled onto a dirt path, rolling until I came to a stop and dust flew up around me.

I heard the sound of three more people—or two people and a dog—fall to the ground.

I slowly opened my eyes and stood up, seeing Daphne, Red, and Elvis a small distance away. They were also standing, Daphne and Red staring around in amazement like I was, and Elvis sniffing around, probably looking for sausage.

"Where...where are we?" I whispered.

Daphne was still glancing around in wonder, but she turned to me and slowly said, "I think... I think we're in Wonderland."

"N–no way..." I said, after a moment's pause. "No way."

She nodded, now sure of herself. "Sabrina, we're in Wonderland. And it doesn't look like ANYTHING from when we went here in the Book of Everafter."

"What do you..." I started to ask, but stopped when I realized she was right.

This place looked nothing at all like the place we were in in the Book of Everafter. The whole landscape was completely different; not just because the colors were more natural and vibrant unlike the blue-tinged lands and characters in the Book.

"Who's this?" a voice rang out from somewhere in the trees around us.

I spun around as a mad giggle sounded right behind me, but nothing was there.

"Who are you?" I asked, still trying to find the mysterious creature.

"I might ask the same of you!" the voice exclaimed.

"Answer me first."

"Oh, but that's not fair!" Another fit of giggles.

"Whatever," I huffed. "If this is Wonderland, then you're mad and I have no reason to talk to you."

"Everyone's mad in Wonderland," the voice agreed. "It's just a matter of sensibility."

"Yes, yes!" a new voice said. "Just a matter of sensibility!" A head popped out of the leaves of the tree in front of me. It was a boy of about nineteen. Another identical face popped out next to him.

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