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Depression ist wie ertrinken, außer dass du alle um dich herum atmen sehen kannst.

The blade is dancing on her skin drawing beautiful pictures which will stay for a lifetime.

Depression is a fight. You either win or die trying.

Never be afraid even when you're cornered. Stand up straight, fight your way.

They tell you to be yourself and then they judge you.

Love myself, love yourself.

Because the dawn right before the sun rises is the darkest.

The morning will come again, because no darkness, no season can last forever.

Should've stayed, were there signs I ignored?

Who cares if one more light goes out in the sky of a million stars?
Well I do!

Can i help you not to hurt anymore?

Lass die andern sich verändern und bleib so wie du bist!

Caught in a lie

Sie fragen dich “Wie geht's dir?”, doch sie meinen “bist du drüber hinweg?”
Du antwortest “gut”, doch deine Augen erzählen eine andere Geschichte.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 12, 2017 ⏰

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