Paper Airplane

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My worries get in the way
It's hard for me to let go
Trying to get past the fears
I'm starting to soar low
High above the clouds
I have a dream
But it's to hard to reach
It's hard to believe

One step closer
One fear lost
It's now or never
Fly above the weather
And see the sky above

Let yourself shine
Worries will bring you down
Instead of hiding inside
We have to end this now
It's time for me to let go
Throw it outside the window
No more feeling in shame
I'm flying free, high up and away
Paper airplane

Gliding through the air
Is as simple as it seems
But you begin to perceive 
That you can't live your dreams
Just take off
And never look down
Feel the breeze go through your hair
And let your fears fall to the ground

How high can I go without a single tear
Of worry that would fall in the atmosphere
Cast them aside, and break free
Leave them behind and see
Never be scared for what you want to do
It's always been inside of you
A worry is just a lie
That you'll never reach the sky

If we soar above our fears
And fly though the rain
We will soon embrace the sun
Paper Airplane 

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