Chapter 5

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Dicks pov

I looked at out the window of the black jet in excitement, I can't believe it Bruce is Batman, my adopted dad is a superhero! And it's amazing.

Suddenly I saw a flash go across my vision of a teen with spiked hair in the traffic colored suit and mask, I shook my head a little to get rid of the image and I furred my eyebrows together in confusion, I turned to Bruce and he still had his cowl on, "Tati?" I said to get his attention and he "hm" in reply showing he is listening, "who's Robin?" I asked and he looked at me taking off his cowl then sighed, "dickie... well I guess you'll be told sooner or later. When I took you in dickie only after 2 months of living with me you found the batcave and asked to help me take down tony zucco and I didn't let you. But when I was taken hostage by him you rescued me" I listened to everything he was saying trying to remember any of it but i didn't remember any of it.

"After you showed me your skills and helped me take him to jail I let you be my partner only if you went through serious training until you were ready. Dickie you are robin" he said and I just starred at him trying to recall any of it but again I remember nothing of it, "Bruce if that's true I. I don't remember anything that your saying" he looked at me and gave me a small smile "that's ok, I came to help you get your memory back I don't know how long it will take but I will help you" he said looking forward again "but what if I don't remember anything? Will I ever see those....Titans again?" He asked and Bruce sighed, "I don't know dick I hope you will but you will see them again" he said and looked forward watching the clouds around us go by.

Suddenly we took a sharp turn and we were heading straight into the mouth of a cave, it got really dark but the lights on the get made it so we could see ahead of us, I watched at spikes on the top of the cave flew by us fast, I looked ahead of us to see we were heading straight for a wander fall and we went through it and the water splashed over the jet and dick watched as all the water almost immediately dried off, we landed on a platform and he killed the plain engine.

We got out of our seats and and walked to the ramp and into the batcave, "whoa" I said in amazment as I looked around at the huge cave it had all sorts of stuff, a huge computer that has to be that bat computer.

There is a giant penny and a.... a robotic  dinosaur, wow and there's Alfred dusting some gadjets, " alfres" I said running over to him giving him a huge hug, he seems startled for a moment but hugged back tightly "Welcome back master dick" he said softly smiling down at me and I smiled up at him with a hug grin "thanks Alfred" i pulled back from the hug and started looking around, I have no words for how amazing this place is.

Bruce walks up to his computer and sit in his seat, i all up behind him and looked at the screen "why are you doing?" I asked as he typed in some commands into the computer "I'm looking up ways I could get your memory back, I'm thinking I can call in Jo'hn (?) to help. See if he can do anything" I nod a little and looked at him "who's jo'hn?" I tilt my head a little "martian man Hunter" he said bluntly "so your going to let him root around in my head to try and fix my memories. Cool" I rolled my eyes, that didn't sound very fun to me but sure, why not.

"Master Bruce and dick go get cleaned up, dinner will be ready in a few minutes" Alfred said before walking up the stairs, "ok Alfred, thank you" me and Bruce said at the same time,

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