the laugh of a clown

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this chapter is 4164 words long. so prepare for a long chapter XD         


a delightful sound, often happens whilst watching funny cat video's or when watching thomas sanders or liza koshy.

but its not so delightful coming from two clowns who can kill you at any moment...

allow me to bring you to before, before they were set free.

and before the tears were shed.

Slade Wilson, better known as deathstroke flew to arkham asylem in his jet, he had figured out what sells they were in, he hovered the jet over the sells.
Slade stood on the opened ramp of the jet as wintergreen was in the cockpit of the jet keeping the get still as there 'get away driver' "are you sure about this sir?" Wintergreen asks through the intercom. Slade takes out his comlink "im sure" he then clips it back to his belt.

Slade jumps out of the jet to a ledge, barley making a sound. he ran along the ledge, he had hacked into the security systems footage and had it replay the same footage over again so he could slip by easily even with the clowns. He opens a vent and crawls inside, he began crawling through the ventilation system towards there sells.
As he crawls through the vents he recalled the exact turns he had to make, when he came up to another vent he opens it by a crack, he peeks out and checked the hallways. Seeing it was clear he jumped out, silently landing on the floor. He looked around at the dark room around him, it was the villains armory where they keep all the inmates weapons, he looked around for a crow bar and sledge hammer, he found the hammer hung on the wall and the crow bar on a shelf. He rolled his eyes at how easy it was to get these objects.

He walked up to the door, he pressed his ear up to the to hear foot steps, once they passed he silently opens the door and pokes his head out and saw one of the many guards walking with gun in hand, he silently stepped out of the armory and into the halls, he silently walked with the weapons in hand to the sells where the clowns are held. He avoided any guards by hiding in small rooms and any shadows that happen to be there, hr made it into a empty hallway with two separate sells beside each other, he walks up to one sell, it was surprisingly quiet. No laughing or anything. He looked at the doors lock, he pulls out two explosives and places them on both doors lock panels, he stood back and waited for it to detonate. Inside the sell the green haired clown was gazing out the bared window, plotting a new plan of escape. He slightly turned his head towards the door when he heard a annoying beeping noise, "cant a clown get get some quiet for onc-" he had been cut off when the door was blown off its hinges. Falling to the ground making a huge bang.

In the other sell Harley had been day dreaming of her puddin, dreaming about there next mission of chaos. She sighs love struck, wanting to see his yellow toothy grin, his devil like eyes that showed fun and happiness yet can cause fear and misery.

Suddenly the room started shaking as if a earthquake had started, a loud explosion causing her sell door to fly off the hinges and crash onto the ground, harley had yelped and lost her balance on her seat, falling to the ground. She sat up shaking her head to get the ringing out of her ears, what was going on? Had her puddin come up with an escape plan? She rushed up to the door to see what was happening but there was dirt in the air making it hard to see but she could see a faint figure standing in front of the two sells "are you the devil?" she asks the figure, he looks at her with a raised eyebrow even though she couldn't see it "no, but i do know him" he says to the woman, the joker happily walks out of his sell up to slade as if he was a old friend, he puts his elbow on slade's shoulder and looks at him with a wide grin "tell me friendo, why did you ever so gracefully  break us out" he asks looking at the stranger "i need your help" slade handed joker his crowbar and tossed harley her mallet, "oh, and what do i get out of it" joker says taking his grow bar and flipping it in the air with his other hand "what do WE get out of it you mean" harley interjected, joker glared at her telling her silently to be quiet. harley pouted but did as told.

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