Blind Date

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You walked speedily across the road, panicking about being on-time for your blind date. One thing that stressed you out more than anything was being late, and on this particular night you were both stressing about that AND over the fact that it would be your first ever blind date! You cared a lot about making first impressions (and knew that being late would make a pretty bad first impression) so you continued to hurry towards the restaurant where you were supposed to meet him.

Your friend, Murr, had set you up on this date, and as you'd never seen the guy before you had no idea what to expect. This thought made you both nervous and excited! Murr had said that the guy you'd be meeting would be holding a bouquet of red roses, so you were scanning the area for that distinctive item.

As there were only a couple of people outside of the restaurant, it was easy for you to spot your date. You hurried over to him with a guilty look on your face, smiling nervously. As you stopped in front of him, you went to speak but for a moment you found yourself lost in his warm brown eyes.

"So, are you (Y/N)?" He asked, snapping you out of your momentary trance.
"Oh, um, yeah!" You stammered, "I'm- I'm so sorry I'm late, Brian! My bus got delayed and- and- Ugh I'm sorry..." You mumbled, knowing that he probably just thought you were an idiot already, both for being late AND for not being able to get your words out.
"Don't worry, it's not your fault," He replied, smiling warmly, "You're only a few minutes late anyway, it's no big deal."
You blushed awkwardly, not quite knowing what to say next, "Well, as long as you're happy, I'm happy! So, uh, do you wanna head into the restaurant?"
He nodded, "Of course!"

Although you thought it started off as a bit of an awkward first date, once you got into the restaurant and started talking more you found out that you had a lot in common. In the restaurant's lighting you also began to realise that his face was just as beautiful as his personality.

For a moment you sat quietly together, not quite knowing what to talk about next when Q suddenly stated, "You're really cute, (Y/N)."
"What? Really?" You asked, taken slightly aback by his sudden compliment.
"Yeah!" He chuckled.
You blushed and bit your lip before saying, "Thank you, so are you!"
You both smiled bashfully at one another before talking about many more things, all of which continued to make you like each other more and more by the minute.

After what felt like hours of getting to know each other, it was sadly time for you two to part ways for the night.

"So, um, wanna do this again sometime?" You asked, smiling shyly.
"Yeah, of course! Tonight was lovely and so were you," He replied, smiling back.
You looked into each other's eyes for a moment, neither of you wanting to leave just yet. You then both opened your arms and shared a quick hug which was both tight and gentle.

Q then gave you a small, soft kiss on the cheek before you said your happy goodbyes, knowing that you'd see each other again very soon.

Author's Note:
So, that was my first Q fluff! (Of god knows how many) I know it's not the best and it's a bit cheesy but eh, I had fun writing it and I hope you had fun reading it ^^

Q - T - PIE (A Series Of Fluffy Brian Quinn One Shots)Where stories live. Discover now